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2022 | 8 | 2 | 37-51

Article title

The Importance of Leadership in Shaping the Security and Organizational Culture of Hierarchical Units


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Nowadays, we are observing the growing role of leadership not only in organizations but also in hierarchical units. This importance is related to shaping the organizational culture of individuals and teams working in them. The aim of the article is to present the importance of leadership in shaping the security and organizational culture of hierarchical units on the example of the War Studies University. The analysis was made using Geert Hofstede's organizational culture model using participant observation. On the basis of the conducted analysis, it can be indicated that the discussed hierarchical unit is characterized by a high power distance, collectivism, masculinity, a high degree of avoidance of uncertainty and short-term orientation in time. Such dimensions of organizational culture as: avoidance of uncertainty, collectivism and power distance have the greatest impact on the occurrence of a specific leadership style, and their verification should be an integral element of the exercised power in order to increase the level of structural security of the institution and personal security of members of this organization.








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  • War Studies University
  • Military University of Technology


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