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2023 | 2(17) | 1-16

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Gender and socio-economic differences in South African consumers’ sentiments toward marketing practices



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Studies on modern consumers’ sentiments toward marketing in an emerging market context are vital. This paper compares demographic differences in South African consumers’ sentiment toward marketing. Data were collected via a survey with 444 diverse consumers residing in the Tshwane metropolitan area. The findings revealed that South African males are significantly less satisfied with marketing communication practices compared to females. Consumers earning lower income were signifi cantly less positive towards marketing in general as well as product quality, price, and selling practices. Afrikaans-speaking consumers’ attitudes were less positive towards marketing communication. The finding can guide the marketing industry to advance its image by adjusting its practices and coordinating with the government and other stakeholders to collaborate.


  • Department of Marketing, Supply Chain Management and Sport Management, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa


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