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2022 | 21 | 2 | 99-115

Article title

COVID-19 and Instagram: An Analysis of an Ibero-American Infodemic


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Understanding the role of communication promoted by Ibero-American society during the Coronavirus pandemic is fundamental for building knowledge about the disease. In this scenario, Instagram occupies a privileged place, as it carries a diversity of possible languages. Furthermore, Instagram’s relevance in the social media landscape is growing. This article presents, from a study developed through big data analysis procedures, the first result of several that make up an international investigation on the subject. In the project stage, the quantitative volume of publications, the average publication per user and the participation of the different languages used in this analysis group were verified. It is hoped that further investigations can be developed based on the results presented here, especially due to the urgency of knowing the role of communication in the pandemic scenario in which we live.









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  • Department of Social Communication, São Paulo State University, Brazil
  • Communication, University of Vigo, Spain
  • Communication, University of A Corunha, Spain
  • Education, University of Brasilia, Brazil


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