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2008 | 13 | 33-49

Article title

Functioning of hydrogenic landscapes the upper Włodawka river catchment basin



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In the dissertation, I analysed two aspects of the Polesie Lubelskie landscape. The first is the historical aspect - changes in the landscape in the 19th and 20th centuries. In evaluating such changes I relied on the existing maps and relevant literature. The second aspect is the contemporary functioning of the hydrogenic landscape, changes over the course of the year or seasonal changes. This is to allow an assessment of contemporary changes in the environment. The fieldwork focuses on three components or three factors of the environment: water, soil and vegetation. The water factor is analysed by measuring oscillation of the ground water table as well as the chemical content of river and ground waters. The soil component is examined to determine distribution of various soil types in the study area. Vegetation is analysed by spatial distribution of floral assemblages. I am researching chemical features such as the levels of Ca, HCO3-, Mg, N, P K, Fe, S, Cl, Si and pH.






Physical description




  • University of Warsaw - Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Warsaw


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