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2011 | 15 | 9-40

Article title

Geography and Social Sciences in Transdisciplinary Science


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The subject of the paper is the status and relationships of geography, especially human geography, with the social sciences on the background of the evolution of science from multidisciplinary to transdisciplinary. Progressive hybridization of disciplines and specialties upset the identity of geography in modern science, but geography (human geography), as she was, so it is hardly accepted as a social science among scientists. An important role is played by the traditional assignment of the entire geography to natural sciences and greater isolation of human geography in flows of knowledge within the social sciences. The article presents the specificities of the social sciences in the classification of the sciences, the impact of social sciences on past development of geography and contemporary impact of geography on spatial turn in the social sciences.






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  • Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Department of Urban Geography and Spatial Organization, University of Warsaw


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