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2012 | 13 | 213-226

Article title

Katecheza Kościoła wobec wezwań współczesnego świata


Title variants

Catechesis of the Church in the face of the challenges of the modern world

Languages of publication


Due to globalisation social processes, once lasting for decades, proceed rapidly changing the way of thinking in individuals and whole societies, and leading to secularisation. Together with the lifestyle, the way of experiencing faith goes under modification and more and more people lose their spiritual identity living as if God did not exist. Cultural transformation of the world, especially Europe, is becoming a particular challenge for the Church to be itself in the new reality and learn how to carry out its pastoral activity in a proper way. This task is difficult but indispensable. Nowadays the Church is appointed to establish new ways of preaching the Good News to people of the 21st century and learn to understand contemporary people who frequently think according to postmodernistic spirit. This bears the need of new evangelization and renewed catechesis, which will both hold the authority of the Word of God and be close to lives of the catechized. Hence the ministry of word has to be dialogue-oriented, and directed to correlation of experience of life and faith. Only then will it be alive, interesting and capable of guiding a contemporary human to meeting with the Lord.






Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


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Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

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