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2015 | 16 | 365-379

Article title

Zagadnienie powszechnie ważnych norm a kwestia bezpieczeństwa


Title variants

The issue of universally valid norms against safety issues

Languages of publication


The article is focused on the problem of universal validity of moral norms and it combines them with security matters. It presents the point of view of relativism with its relative comprehension of standards, where they are conditioned by time and culture. It shows two negative examples of dealing with the universality of standards, i.e. the position of hedonism and utilitarianism. All three ethical orientations absolutely can not become the basisfor a sense of security. The article also justifies why the existence of universal standards should be discussed. Their various sources such as natural and revealed law, human nature and dignity, as well as a man understood as an aim in itself were indicated here. The article emphasises the fact that the existence of universal standards and respect for such a situation determine safe human existence. The analysis was conducted primarily on the basis of thework of one of the greatest living German philosopher Robert Spaemann. In contrast, the safety aspect harmonising with his thinking has been developed by the author of the article.






Physical description




  • Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej


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Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

YADDA identifier

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