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2017 | 16 | 37 | 119-128

Article title

Teofil Bzowski as the guardian of the memory of the ideals of the Chyrow boarding school and its graduates


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REASEARCH OBJECTIVE: The subject of the analysis carried out in this study includes the letters of T. Bzowski to his students. THE REASEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: On the basis of such analysis we shall try to answer the question: How did Bzowski reinforce the memory of the Chyrów school’s ideals in his students? The analysis shall be carried out on the basis of the content of his letters. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The memory of a school is created by a group of different people. It usually includes students-graduates, which – in a way – extend and transmit the school’s ideals, but the group also includes teachers and tutors. This study shall focus on the teacher’s memory of the Scientific and Educational Department of the Jesuit Fathers in Chyrów. It was an elite secondary school for boys. One of the most significant persons among the Chyrów school teachers was a Jesuit named Teofil Bzowski. Former Chyrowiaks wrote for that paper which reflected the school’s rich activity and the histories of its students. REASEARCH RESULTS: The analysis shall make it possible to specify the system of values cherished by the authors of the letters. The knowledge gained from the analysis of the letters as ego-documents shall make it possible to not only reconstruct the picture of the school and its influence on the people connected with it, but also to recreate the spiritual atmosphere of a given historical period. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Analysing the source materials one may come to the conclusion that the letters exchanged between the teacher and former students are a tool used for maintaining the memory of the school and its ideals. The memory is created through intergenerational interactions (teacher-students).









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  • Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Wydział Pedagogiczny, Instytut Nauk o Wychowaniu


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