The publishing sector in Poland generates about 0.5 percent of GDP. Number of employees in the book industry as a whole is more than 80 thousand and in the publishing houses – almost 6 thousand. In recent years, the situation of the sector steadily worsens, including as a result the government action, such as raising the VAT rate in 2011. Textbooks are a segment of the book industry with the highest value. It is, depending on the methodology, from 840 million PLN to approximately 1.3 billion PLN. The main problems associated with the distribution of books are: a steadily increasing number of issued titles, prolonged sale of inventory from the previous years, difficulties of EMPiK trade policy, monopoly of some wholesalers and a decline in sales of traditional bookselling in favor of online purchases, including used books. Situation of printing companies is slightly better, although the problems of the entire market reflects on this sector as well. Particularly on smaller companies. Government programs – e-books and free textbooks are one of the most serious threats to the entire book market.