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2017 | 1(18) | 5-24

Article title

A hospitalidade em Kant segundo a Autonomia da Vontade


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According to the philosopher of three critics, hospitality postulates the immanent sense of feeling of respect for the natural law basis of the same hospitality that presents, according to the thinker of Koenigsberg, as not being the result of any external conditions, the sensitive area, but preferably, appears as inner feeling that occurs by reason. Meanwhile, the hospitality depends on the magnitude and direction of “Practical Reason” ( Vernunft praktische ). The host comes from the exercise of moral law. The hospitality, according to the philosopher of Koenigsberg, is according to the autonomy of the will ( Wille ). However, our position relates to hospitality, the thought of pure philosophy, as a heteronomy of the Other as stranger or host. In view of Kant, the hospitality is a deontologism to the host. The Kantian abroad is not an absolutely Other, but a citizen of the world regardless of what their origin, their territorial origin. She should be treated as a person,as an end in itself. In fact, the act that constitutes the meaning of hospitality should be a motivated act rationally. The place of universal hospitality is the Earth’s surface. The common possession of the surface of the earth is therefore a right. In this Kantian hospitality there is a duty, but as understood as an expression of culture, that was expressed by Derrida.






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  • Instituto Universitário de Ciências da Saúde - CESPU,Gandra, Portugal


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