At a time when there is still the effects of the global economic crisis, many companies on the brink of bankruptcy. Many businesses deferred fulfillment of its obligations, paying bills and working on the debt. The emergence of insolvency raises additional cost (penalty payment to suppliers, increased interest on loans outstanding in the period and others), reducing corporate income, resulting from increased costs associated with overcoming the subsequent insolvency (obtaining additional financial resources), or. forced liquidation of the company. It also finds many businesses and entrepreneurs, who does not remit contributions for its employees do not pay them their wages and other demands. Progressive business indebtedness may result in failure of the company. Every employer must pay, however, guarantee insurance in the event of insolvency. Therefore, the employee is protected from the condition that the employer failed to pay him for his work when it becomes insolvent, so when it comes to disposing of the company. This includes not only employees working in Slovakia, but also in all European Union Member States. They are obliged to comply with the directives issued by the European Union to regulate all matters relating to employer insolvency.