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2017 | 4(21) | 77-99

Article title

Komunikacja oraz jej płaszczyzny w funkcjonowaniu Państwowej Staży Pożarnej


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The State Fire Service (in Polish: Państwowa Straż Pożarna PSP) is an organisation that was set up for the execution of its tasks in combating fires, natural disasters or other local threats in accordance with the provisions of the Act concerning the State Fire Service. A functional division of the State Fire Service is compliant with the administrative division of the country, and its area of operations comprises the whole territory of Poland. That is why the State Fire Service is functioning as a structured organisation possessing a transparent structure ensuring realisation of tasks appointed by the provisions of the Act. The administrative division of the country has the largest influence on the administrative structure of the country, that is why the organisational units of the State Fire Service are deployed in the territory of Poland in accordance with the effective territorial division. The formation of the present structure functioning at the State Fire Service was based on the existing territorial division, and it is also supposed to ensure a correct co-operation with different administrative units of the country. The shape of the organisational structure, in its form, resembles organisations functioning within and beyond actions of public administration. The structure of organisation in the present shape creates convenient conditions for observing and specifying forms of communication accompanying functioning organisational units, and firefighting and rescue units directly responsible for elimination of threats. All organisations executing public tasks, reserved exclusively for each of them to be carried out, in the present structure of the public service cannot do without an element executing administrative tasks, functioning in its structure. The administrative tasks are necessary to correct functioning, irrespective of assigned tasks. At the State Fire Service, it creates conditions for launching the processes occurring universally in different organisations. That is why one can observe one of the layers of communication in action, functioning within the State Fire Service, and connected with the execution of the administrative work. The State Fire Service, has as its main task the elimination of definite threats. While functioning and executing suitable actions for the realisation of definite tasks, we may observe next layers of communication. The essential element in preparation for the elimination of definite threats is a suitable substantive preparation of workers of the State Fire Service. Acquired knowledge during training and favourable conditions make possible identifying next layer of communication. It is well-founded when we pay attention to forms of communication occurring during rescue activities, where one can freely observe next communication layer.





Physical description




  • Politechnika Łódzka, Łódż, Poland


Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

YADDA identifier

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