The study contains the most basic connections of sociosynergical gnoseological and methodological view of a human being in the world, world in a man and world, which surrounds him. Sociosynergical gnoseology presents universal know how of civilization. Structuralization of world to synergical, biosynergical and sociosynergical dimension of live – dimensional space in time is terminal of six – millenary revolution in gnoseology. Sociosynergical gnoseological and methodical way of forming universal value and ideological orientation forms assumption of exodus from Chaos of social world of human being. It is a model of forming of entire sociosynergical science, of which social totals are presented by synergy, biosynergy, sociosynergy. Within the ambit of theses partial totals of science, author presents opportunities of sociosynergical methodical profilation of content and structure of certain science disciplines, which exist for now in structure of civilizations science research. A human being is in this study as a form of sociosynergy presentations in senergical and biosynergical conditions of the Earth. Its internal unity is encompassed by prism of three pilot function conjunction of human’s organism – biopilot [autopilot], psychopilot and sociopilot.