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2023 | 1 | 73-90

Article title

Tożsamość wielokulturowa środowiska rodzinnego Polaków w Londynie – studium przypadku



Title variants

Multicultural identity of the polish family environment in London – a case study

Languages of publication


Amulticultural society, moving from a reaction to differentiation to conscious cognition, understanding, dialogue, negotiation as well as cooperation and collaboration, creates multiculturalism. Relationships between representatives of various social and cultural environments as well as national, ethnic or religious groups are treated as a manifestation of the disappearance of social distance and one of the best indicators of integration. London’s multicultural environment, in which there is a clear tendency to collectively integrate cultural identity, enables the creation of intercultural relationships with their own cultural identity. This phenomenon includes various strategies of the acculturation process and mutual adaptation of people from different countries, cultures, religions and speaking different languages. The multicultural identity of mixed relationships is determined, interalia, by the obligations of marriage resulting from the fulfilment of marital roles and compliance with the marital identity. Identity sets internal boundaries between spouses and regulates contacts with family and friends in the family, local, neighbourhood, and global environment.






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