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2023 | 1 | 59-71

Article title

Zderzenie kulturowe w przedszkolu polonijnym na przykładzie Polskiej Szkoły Sobotniej im. Fryderyka Chopina w Croydon


Title variants

Cultural clash in the polish nursery – the example of the Fryderyk Chopin Polish Saturday School in Croydon

Languages of publication


Participation in the process of teaching Polish as a foreign language requires teachers to constantly enrich their methodological knowledge in order to connect two culturally diverse circles and include them in one didactic process. Students from the Polish diaspora generation are characterized by heterogeneity in terms of competence in the inherited language and the use of language codes limited only to certain spheres of life. Multimodality in glottodidactics combine linguistic and cultural content, thanks to which they can activate both the linguistic and cultural competences of the student. The article presents the understanding of cultural clash as a cultural distance seen through the prism of various levels. Multimodality is presented as a bridging tool, a way to mitigate the effect of this collision.






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  • Polski Uniwersytet Na Obczyźnie


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