W tym Zakładzie kształciły się głównie córki ziemian pochodzące nie tylko z Kaszub i Pomorza. Pod zaborem pruskim były z tym kłopoty. W 1878 roku zakonnicom nie pozwolono prowadzić pensji i musiały opuścić Kościerzynę. Zakład przejęły osoby świeckie. Siostry odzyskały szkołę dopiero w roku 1931. Jak i czego uczono i jak wychowywano pensjonarki, o tym właśnie ten artykuł, oparty na ich wspomnieniach.
The majority of students at the school were daughters of landowners, and they came not only from Kashubia or Pomerania. Under Prussian rule there were problems with the school’s activity. In 1878 nuns were forbidden to run a boarding school and they were forced to leave Kościerzyna. The school was taken over by lay people. The nuns regained the school only in 1931. The article is based on the memories of former students, and they are recalling what and how they were taught and how they were educated.