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2010 | 2 | 121-136

Article title

„Przyjmij twój sukces!”. Atrakcyjność neopentekostalnego wymiaru chrześcijaństwa w Ghanie


Title variants

„Receive Your Success!” Attractiveness of the Neopentecostal Version of Christianity in Ghan

Languages of publication


It is a fact that Neopentecostal version of Christianity, i.e. the so-called third wave of Pentecostal revival developing form the 1970s, receives quite a lot of attention in Ghana (and not only there). To a large extent, its attractiveness is due to such treatment of indigenous key worries of the Ghanaians (health and prosperity) that many perceive as Christian. The article presents an outline of the religious context of contemporary Ghana in which the indigenous worldview has been creatively remodelled in interaction with Christianity. The Neopentecostal version of this reformulation receives the main attention in the article. Examples are drawn from the teachings and practice of two oldest Ghanaian Neopentecostal groups – Christian Action Faith Ministries International led by Nicholas Duncan-Williams and International Central Gospel Church led by Mensa Otabil. The article also examines the problem of the effects of Neopentecostal teaching concentrated on the prosperity gospel. Though full effects are still to be seen and assessed the author tends to agree with those who, at present, see that the prosperity gospel leads quite a lot of Ghanaian Christians (many in an unconscious way) into a form of escapism (a flee from real problems into a world of dreams, expectations and faith).






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  • The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology


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