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2006 | 1 | 321-334

Article title

Wyniki badań nad stanem nauczania statystyki opisowej w Polsce


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This article presents the results of the study of teaching descriptive statistics in Poland nowadays. After a short review of the history of teaching this branch of school mathematics in the second part of the 20th century, I made an attempt at diagnosing the stage of teacher’s preparation for teaching descriptive statistics. The diagnosis was based on the analysis of: - the survey conducted among working teachers; - teaching standards for mathematics at universities; - curriculum and studies schemes at schools of higher education for teachers-to-be. Moreover, the paper presents: - problems faced by teachers while teaching descriptive statistics; - attitude of learners towards descriptive statistics classes; - teachers’ understanding of the true objective of teaching descriptive statistics. The article concludes with the declaration of carrying a pedagogical experiment whose aim is to find the answer to the question: Are primary school pupils able to learn the contents and skills of descriptive statistics and to what extent?



  • Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Płocku


Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

YADDA identifier

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