In the paper an early history of the Bézout theorem on algebraiccurves and effective methods in elimination theory is presented. The hypothesis,stated in 1665 by Newton, on the ”intersection number” of algebraiccurves is given. Effective methods on eliminations of one variable in the systemof algebraic variables come from Euler’s papers: Demonstration sur lenombre des points, ou deux lignes des ordres quelconques peuvent se couper(Euler, 1750), Nouvelle methode d’eliminer les quantites inconnues des equations(Euler, 1766) and the chapter De intersectiones curvarum from monographyIntroductio in analysin infinitorum (Euler, 1748). Finally, Bézout’s result from the paper Reserchers sur le degré des équations résultantes...(Bezout, 1765) is given.