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2009 | 1 | 81-92

Article title

Constructio et consecratio mundi – zapomniane idee teologii rzeczywistości ziemskich (cz. II)



Title variants

Constructio et Consecratio Mundi − Forgotten Ideas of the Theology of Earthly Realities (part II)

Languages of publication


Two ideas: constructio mundi and consecratio mundi have appeared on the basis of the theology of earthly realities, which – in its authors' intention – was to consolidate the connection between the Christians and God, who does not oppose the involvement into the matters of this world, but gives the involvement a deeper, religious – and hence a fully human – meaning. The aim of the present study – that is a continuation of an article published in the previous volume of „Roczniki Teologiczne” („Theological Annals”) – is to remind and to reinterpret the latter of them. In order to do this the very idea of consecratio mundi and its meaning is presented in the light of assumptions of the theology of earthly realities, then it is interpreted personalistically, and its topicality is shown as a moral challenge. In the light of both publications it should be emphasized that at the basis of the presented principles – constructio mundi and consecratio mundi – there is the reality of the connections between the Christian and the world in the creative-salutary event of God Himself. A Christian, living in the world and being engaged in changing the world, on the one hand participates in the work of creation, and on the other touches the reality of the eschatological dimension. Construction of the world and realization of earthly tasks done by a Christian (constructio mundi) is part of development of the creature constantly recurring in Christ and finding its fulfillment and sanctification (consecratio mundi) in Him.






Physical description




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Biblioteka Nauki

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