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2009 | 1 | 117-131

Article title

Tożsamość nauczycieli religii i ich opinie na temat wybranych aspektów edukacji religijnej w Polsce



Title variants

The Identity of Religion Teachers and Their Opinions on Selected Aspects of Religious Education in Poland

Languages of publication


The efficiency of religious education depends on a variety of factors, including, to a large degree, the identity and competence of religion teachers and catechists. For this reason it is necessary to work out new, ever more efficient ways to form the staff of teachers. This is to be aided also by empirical studies that are conducted in this field. The article presents the results of studies of a two hundred-person group of religion teachers working in the Radom diocese. The results confirm high moral-religious as well as didactic-methodic qualifications of the subjects, who are devoted Catholics and treat teaching religion as the realization of their own Christian vocation. They understand in the proper way the conception of teaching religion that is binding in Poland and they realize the postulates of methodic pluralism.






Physical description




  • Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie


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Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

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