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2009 | 1 | 151-167

Article title

Program pracy duszpasterskiej papieża Grzegorza Wielkiego w świetle ekshortacji pastoralnych zawartych w XL Homiliarum in Evangelia



Title variants

The Program of Pope Gregory the Great’s Pastoral Work In the Light of the Pastoral Exhortations Contained in XL Homiliarum in Evangelia

Languages of publication


The subject of the present study are the pastoral exhortations contained in XL Homiliarum in Evangelia (“Homilies for Gospels”) by Pope Gregory the Great. 761 pastoral appeals have been studied. It has been found that the leading motif around which particular pastoral appeal focuses is the program of achieving Christian perfection realized by way of purification, enlightenment and unification with God. Pope Gregory the Great’s program of pastoral work is a program of achieving Christian perfection. It is characterized by integral formation. The priority of the program is spiritual-‑intellectual formation. Theo-centric, and not only Christo-centric direction of the program is very clear. In the whole program eschatological motifs play the leading and dominating role. The charity action is mainly directed to the needs and spiritual aid serving the salvation of the man. Saint Gregory’s program is characterized by the principle of moderation. In the light of the above reflections it can be said that St Gregory the Great’s program of pastoral work maintains timeless topicality in the Church.






Physical description





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Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

YADDA identifier

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