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2011 | 3 | 91-106

Article title

„Szkoły katechetyczne” we wczesnym chrześcijaństwie



Title variants

“Catechetical schools” in the Early Christianity

Languages of publication


Catechetical institutions were established even in ancient Christianity. They were so-called theological schools, also called – among others by Eusebius – catechetical schools. They were founded by Christian thinkers, philosophers, who in this way wanted to make a contribution to evangelization. We know that such a school in Rome in the middle of the 2nd century was run by St Justin. However, the schools in Alexandria and the Palestinian Caesarea, and especially Origen’s educational and catechetical work in them, are best known. Both the Alexandrian and Caesarean schools raise discussions about their character among scholars. At present the opinion is dominant that not so much a catechetical school expressis verbis should be seen in them, but rather a missionary school for young people of pagan origin sympathizing with Christianity, where a kind of introduction to Christian religion was taught, and the teaching started from the common foundation of Greek philosophy. As such, it taught theological truths, preparing the pupils to pre-baptismal catechesis.






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Biblioteka Nauki

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