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2011 | 3 | 123-136

Article title

Współczesne ujęcia nauczania religii w europejskim szkolnictwie publicznym



Title variants

Modern Models of Religion Teaching in European Public Education

Languages of publication


In most European countries religion is taught within the frames of the system of public education, although the status of the teaching is different in different countries. In the face of dynamic cultural changes, to which modern European societies are subject, ever more often discussion is launched on the shape of religion teaching. Also in Poland the conception of religion teaching is constantly looked for, and attempts are made to define its relation to parish catechesis. In this context the models of religion teaching existing in Europe have been subjected to analysis. The aim of the present article is answering the questions: what models of religion teaching are most frequently used in Europe and what are their characteristic features? Taking into consideration the criterion of confession, confessional and non-confessional models are distinguished. With respect to the level of realization of the catechetical function and the function of school the former ones are divided into two categories: catechetical-evangelizing and informational-educational. Non-confessional models, in turn, are systematized in three groups: Christian – the supra-confessional model, religious studies and interreligious model.






Physical description




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