The French National Front was formed in 1972-1973 as a result of structural and ideologicalchanges in the extreme antiliberal right wing. It was an electoral emanation of the neo-naziorganization New Order. In the 1980s National Front led by Jean-Marie Le Pen occupieda significant position on the French political stage. The party was distinctly anticommunisticin character. Due to the adoption of ideology of the so-called new right wing an Alain deBenoist group, after the communist block fall the question of French national identity cameinto importance. Said identity was threatened by globalistic tendencies and immigrant influxparticularly from Maghreb countries. Criticizing the USA as world’s capitalistic center andpromoting demagogic slogans allowed the National Front to claim voters of communistparty and to aim at rising above the division into left and right wing. In such circumstancesPutin’s Russia became the Front’s most significant support. Adoption of the so-called euro-Asian vision of uniting Europe solidified this relationship. Marine Le Pen’s growing influencecaused the ideological modernization through the so-called de-devilment of the Front, i.e. therejection of anti-Semitic and racist slogans. The creation of the mainstream political parties“republican barrier” successfully prevents the Front from gaining a more important say instate government.Key words: political parties, extreme right wing, National Front, France, nationalism,xenophobia