The research aim of this article was to analyze the socialist utopia as an idealistic inspirationin the process of democratizing the socio-political system in the perspective of two centuries;from the times of the imaging of the idealistic system picture by Wojciech Gutkowski inthe second half of the 18th century to the ancestors of Polish socialist thought, all the wayto the “Solidarity” revolution and further on, to the contemporary social life formed underthe influence of the emancipation ideas and determined by the factors of the informationrevolution and globalization processes. This is why the author of this article seeks an answerto a question, what role in the new conditions does the socialist utopia fulfill – an idealisticimpression of the social justice system, does it still have its impetus as a prospective ideaand did it not stop being an inspiration to reform the state system, does it play a role of anaxiological system in the form of a substitute on the conditions of the atrophy of the ethicalfundaments of the social life and idea secularization.Key words: social utopias, Polish socialists, “Solidarity”, system shift