The article follows the history of social pacts in Slovenia over almost a quarter of century. In the course of the social pacting at the national level, a series of pivotal points can be identified, each marking a significant change in the nature and functions of the pacts concluded, and structuring the development of social dialogue: from the juncture period (1988-1992), through stabilisation and economic recovery (1992-1996), and accommodation to the EU and EMU regime (1996-2004) to the EU accession and preparation to entering the euro-zone (1996-2004). Special attention is devoted to the most recent phase (from 2007 on) - so-called post-euro period - and the impact of the global economic crisis on the social dialogue. It is argued that the crisis has arguably further weakened the once effective, but slowly deteriorating over the years, Slovenian neo-corporatist system of industrial relations.