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2017 | 7 | 241-265

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Japanese Initiatives Concerning Voluntary War-responsibility Trials

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It is common knowledge that the International Military Tribunal for the Far East to Japan was equivalent to the Nuremberg trials to Nazi Germany. However, while Germany is seen to have actively pursued its war criminals, Japan continues to be accused of lacking similar initiative, and failing to fully analyze or take responsibility, morally or politically, for the war. In reality, during the Allies’ conference for the acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration, Japanese Military officials proposed conditions allowing for Japan to carry out its own war criminal trials. Then on September 12, 1945 the Japanese government formulated a declaration of “just trials” for war criminals, independently of the Allies’ war tribunal. However it is worth pointing out that there was also unofficial pressure from General MacArthur’s headquarters to do so. In his opinion, a Japanese initiative in such matters was desirable. Based on this declaration, the Japanese military command began trials of class BC war criminals, but in February 1946 they were suspended at the behest of General Headquarters. It’s also important to mention that there was a plan to release an Imperial Rescript aimed at harsh penalties for individuals who defied the Emperor’s will and led Japan into an aggressive war (hangyakuzai). Additionally, leftist organizations were calling for civil tribunals that would try war criminals, starting with the Emperor. According to Yoshida Shigeru (the Foreign Affairs Minister and later Prime Minister), having the Occupation run the trials was in fact the most favorable outcome for Japan because of the unique connection between the nation and the Emperor, for whom judging his subjects would be especially painful (shinobigatai), it also prevented shedding the blood of kinsmen, saved the Emperor, and contributed to a system of national security. Opinions on the Tokyo Tribunal are divided; in present-day Japan discussions regarding the necessity of evaluating and re-evaluating wartime issues and judgments remain ongoing.






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