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2019 | 10 | 31 | 81-102

Article title

Learning by Doing Nasdaq FaceBook Experience


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RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The future of financial economics development belongs to the capital market solutions – an alternative source of effective fi­nancing. The purpose of the article is an attempt to make a glance for teaching experience based on new financial pedagogy, factual on learning by doing and simulating – active decision making in the process of choice the financial instru­ments from capital market solutions. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The world of stock ex­changes is dominated by 16 major players, whose total market capitalization exceeding USD 1 trillion in which the United States represents 40.01% of the global market capitalization. All recognizable brands, such as: Apple, Google, Intel, Microsoft or FaceBook are listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Looking for a suitable example that would allow students to be creatively involved in learning through new financial pedagogy, the FaceBook were choose. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Facebook is a reliable – in terms of capitalization and market value – listed company, which is also a global leader in social networks. Two-minute real calls were used to show the opportunities and threats arising from stock market investments. The received effects of stu­dents’ inference were compared with the knowledge they acquired after using traditional teaching materials. RESEARCH RESULTS: Authors present in the article mechanisms func­tioning on the capital market and the inference process, enabling profitable decisions to be made a few days before the expiry date of the option, as well as the limitations resulting from the use by students’ traditional textbooks and the knowledge transferred through them. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The study covered the results of efficiency and the ability to avoid inhibiting the development of student learning in the field of capital market instruments through direct action and involvement them in decision making processes.








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