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2021 | 7 | 2 | 81-103

Article title

Evolution of Polish Building Law 1928–1939 as an Example of Spatial Policy Development


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The text is devoted to the evolution of construction law in the period of the Second Polish Republic as one of the tools of the broadly understood policy of the State. The basic research problem is the rationalization of regulations and their functioning in the legal system. The analysis allowed us to formulate research conclusions. The policy regarding construction law and spatial development in the Second Polish Republic was subordinated to the overarching goals, i.e. the unification of regulations in the country and building the image of a strong state by organizing space. In terms of specific objectives, the evolution of the law was aimed at rationally increasing the amount of affordable housing, strengthening co-responsibility of private entities for spatial development, smart management of available resources, and intensive support for new housing.








Physical description





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Biblioteka Nauki

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