professor of the Department of Musicology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Institute of Culturology at Wroclaw University. She has carried out numerous projects associated with field research in Poland, Sardinia, Portugal, Belarus, Lithuania, Rumanian Bukovina, Ukraine and Siberia. She is the author of a number of books: Traditionelle mehrstimmige Gesànge der Sarden (Poznań, 1985); Tradycyjna wielogłosowość wokalna w kulturach basenu Morza Śródziemnego [Traditional polyvocality in cultures of the Mediterranean Basin] (Poznań, 1999); Głosy z przeszłości. Tradycje muzyczne we wspomnieniach oborniczan [Voices from the past. Musical traditions as recalled by the inhabitants of Oborniki] (Oborniki Śląskie, 2006). She also has many articles to her name, mostly on polyvocal music and music in religious contexts.