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2020 | 2 | 4-4

Article title

Anthropometry in elite roller hockey players


Title variants

Antropometría en jugadores de élite de hockey patines

Languages of publication


Objectives: The aims of the present study were to identify the anthropometric variables in elite roller hockey players in the 21st century and to compare the results with other indoor sports with similar somatotype. Methods: A descriptive study was performed in 41 elite roller hockey male players (mean age 25.63 ± 4.76 years, age range 19-34 years), including anthropometric measures, body composition and somatotype. A bibliographic review about roller hockey anthropometry was performed, including also other similar sports (field hockey and ice hockey). The results of the articles found were compared with the results obtained in our study. Also, a comparison between goalkeepers (n=8) and field players (n=33) results was performed. Results: The anthropometric results in this study showed higher values in height, weight and body mass index in comparison with previous articles about roller hockey anthropometry, showing similarities with the values of ice hockey players. In our sample, goalkeepers showed higher values of weight, body fat percentage and body mass index than field players. Conclusions: We concluded that 21st century elite roller hockey players are taller and heavier than those players studied in previous articles.






Physical description




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