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European Management Studies

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Editorial office

  • "European Management Studies"
    • Editor's office addres: University of Warsaw Faculty of Management ul. Szturmowa 1/3, room B 310 02-678 Warsaw
    • Email address: pz@wz.uw.edu.pl

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"European Management Studies" (ISSN 2956-7602) (previously: "Management Issues - Problemy Zarządzania"; ISSN 1644-9584; e-ISSN 2300-8792) is an international, multi-disciplinary scholarly journal published since 2003 by the University of Warsaw, and included in the list of journals scored by the Ministry of Education and Science Republic of Poland (70 points for publication). Since the beginning of the Journal publication, we have striven to continuously improve the quality of publications through a multi-step process of peer reviewing submitted papers and the continued development of the referee list and the Scientific Board composition. In particular, we take care to ensure that the issues presented are current, reflect the ongoing discussions in our discipline, and that each topic is presented from multiple perspectives. The Authors who publish their articles in our Journal are associated with the best research institutions in Poland and many countries all over the world.
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  • European Management Studies

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