The article is an analysis of Germany’s role in the eurozone crisis. It consists of three parts that subsequently present: 1) the concept and the reasons of eurozone crisis from the German point of view; 2) premises of the Germany’s role and challenges for Germany in the crisis mentioned above as well as 3) conclusion resulting from the crisis for new role of Germany in the EU. The timeframe of the analysis encompasses years 2010-13. The basic thesis of the article is: Christian democrat and liberal government led by chancellor Angela Merkel due to a giant economic and financial potential of Germany took a key role in actions for overcoming problems of indebtedness, saving and stabilization of the eurozone. Germany pushing forward with strategy of rigorous austerity within the frames of so-called fiscal pact from March 1st, 2012 did not gain a common approval in the eurozone, exposing itself for serious criticism on the part of indebted states, especially Greece. For its part Germany as a biggest creditor and guarantor of established financial instruments bear extraordinary risk in case of a default of the most heavily indebted southern eurozone states. The above mentioned situation gives birth to many domestic German fears and controversies signaled in the article in spite of the fact that since the end of 2013 some slight displays of improvement in the economic situation and in partial stabilization of the eurozone appeared.