Key words: outsourcing, definitions of outsourcing, types of outsourcing, benefitsand risks of this method, market of outsourcing in Poland.SummaryThe basic problem for companies during the global financial crisis is to maintainfinancial liquidity. The high fluctuation of market conditions forces the companiesto conform to such changes that will ensure continuity of their business. One wayto look for savings in companies is the outsourcing mechanism, which means separatingin whole or in part certain tasks, functions and processes that are necessaryfor proper functioning of a company, but are not a part of its core business activity.This solution aids at reducing operating costs, imposes a more effective controlmechanism as well as presents a possibility to focus on the core business activity.This paper presents a definitional approach towards outsourcing, indicates potentialareas of outsourcing usage, marks benefits and risks associated with separatingcertain areas and transferring them to an outside company. Furthermore, it includesan analysis of outsourcing market in Poland in 2012.