Key words: tutoring, education, students of secondary schools,opinionsSummaryThe phenomenon of tutoring has been known for years and it isnot about to be extirpated soon. Extra-curricular market is trendingupwards, which can be easily observed. This tendency hasa positive as well as a negative aspect. The positive side of tutoringphenomenon is that parents set great store on education of theirchildren.. The negative aspect constitutes an unequal access toeducation and also the class-ridden society.Children coming frompoorer families and less educated ones - fall behind. The authors ofthis paper carried out the research on tutoring in grey area of education.The tested group embraced 250 learners of secondary schools.The students represented the Maria Dabrowska III SecondarySchool in Plock, the Krzywicki Economic School Team in Plock andHigher Technical School Team in Plock. The aim of the paper wasto present selected opinions of students from secondary schoolson tutoring phenomenon and the authors drew proper conclusionson the basis of certain literature studies , analyses and own study.