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2010 | 20 | 2 | 57-70

Article title

Rhematizers Revisited



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In our contribution, we have tried to re-examine the previous findings on the properties of a certain class of particles, and we have come to the following conclusions: (i) there is a special class of particles that have a specific position in the TFA of the sentence; (ii) these particles have some common features with negation; (iii) these particles called in literature rhematizers, focalizers or focusing particles need not be restricted to a position indicating the focus (rheme) of the sentence; rather, they can occur also in the topic of the sentence; (iv) there can be more than a single focalizer in a sentence; (v) it is therefore necessary to distinguish between the focus of the whole sentence and the focus of a focalizer; (vi) the scope of a focalizer has important consequences for the semantic interpretation of the sentence; (vii) a consistent annotation of language corpora that takes into account the topic-focus articulation of the sentences as a component part of the underlying sentence structure makes it possible to get a deeper and broader insight into the issue under investigation.


  • Linguistica Pragensia- redakce, Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v.v.i., Letenská 4, 118 51 Praha 1, Czech Republic


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