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2009 | 35 | 1 | 35-49

Article title

Znaczenie polskiego wschodniego pogranicza kulturowego dla poszerzania zasięgu zachodniej cywilizacji w XVI-XIX w.

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The significance of the Polish eastern cultural borderland for the expansion of the western civilization in the 16th-19th centuries.

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The aim of the considerations is to present the expansion of the cultural borderland, of insular nature (until the end of the 15th century), in the central part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Lithuanian and Belorussian lands) and Halick - Vladimir lands (one century earlier). The earliest impact was observed in the north in the German borderland, whereas was visible in other areas. In the Middle of the 17th century in result of the missionary work of the Catholic Church, Reformation churches and the Greek Catholic church the cultural borderland reached the Dnieper areas along the new borderline with Russia. Both Polish and western culture radiated to Russia as well. The borderline performed the role of a center in the 17th century. Whereas after the first partition of Poland it functioned as the borderland of the western and Polish culture for the ethnic Russia. At the time of partitions and the dramatic change in course of the borders after September 17th, 1939, the Vilnius Region became the most evident instance of the cultural borderland despite the course wars or changes of the borders. Borderland phenomena occurred here simultaneously at the junction of two or more ethnic borders: a borderland understood as an internal and cultural category functioning within one ethnic group and not only at the points at which ethnic groups meet, and finally a borderland as a the area of mutual penetration and contacts among groups of diverse cultural values. Thus the features of the 'asymmetrical' borderland determine the area on which particular communities of a different level of group development at one point came together and co-existed. The longer the domination of one culture was (Polish) over the centuries, the deeper the sources of the ethnic conflicts were at the end of the 19th century, especially on the Polish-Lithuanian borderland. Numerous factors (including printing books in Polish and Latin since the Middle of the 16th century, as well the school system organized by the Jesuits and the Basilians) affected the formation of this typical 'motherland of the Vilnius Poles' (the term coined by Jan Jukiewicz). This resulted in the foundation of the exemple for Russia, the educational district in Vilnius (1803-31) where the impact of the Polish identity was the strongest ever and hence Russification of this territory was impossible in the 19th century since both the elite as well common people and the Lithuanian peasantry supported the connections with Poland after World War II. The heritage of the Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth exerted a significant impact on the representatives of Romanticism including its leader Mickiewicz as well as the supporters of the reconstruction of the federation in the spirit of respect for the culture and the identity of its nations. The knowledge of these phenomena should constitute an element of historical education starting from the level of secondary schools.










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  • Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
  • Maria B. Topolska, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Historii, Zaklad Historii XVI-XVIII w., al. Wojska Polskiego 69, 65-762 Zielona Góra, Poland


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