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2014 | 179 | 206-214

Article title

Pomoc społeczna wczoraj i dziś. Nowe wyzwania - stare problemy



Title variants

Social Welfare Yesterday and Today. Old Problems and New Challenges

Languages of publication



Social welfare and social work along with it, for 20 years of its operation has undergone metamorphosis. If at the level of ideas (which provides assistance for individuals, families, groups in resolving their existing problems), not much has changed, but in the way of achieving it has changed nearly everything. New methods, techniques and instruments (tools) of social work are not only a new great challenges to do, but also a great load. Changes in area of social assistance and social work over the last 20-years are clear, important and fundamental. They had of course an influence on the quality of social work. It is therefore more difficult or easier? Decrease its effectiveness or not? This article is an attempt to answer these questions.







Physical description




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Publication order reference



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