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2014 | XCI (91)/2 | 241-257

Article title

Idea sprawozdawczości narracyjnej


Title variants

The concept of narrative reporting

Languages of publication



The process of improving financial reporting plays an extremely vital role in today’s fast changing reality. The aim of the present article is to explore the essence and dilemmas associated with the concept of narrative reporting. Adopting such perspective requires selecting adequate research method, which, in this case, is the critical descriptive analysis. The fundament for present considerations will be the study of the essence of accounting and corporate financial reporting. Further analysis will focus on the factors determining the contemporary shape of these two concepts. The consecutive part of the article is devoted to the notion of narrative reporting, with particular attention given to its most advanced form, that is integrated reporting. The final part of the text highlights the strengths as well as critical voices regarding narrative reporting and shows the conclusions that can be drawn from the application of such analytic approach.





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