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2023 | 12 | 1 | 8-31

Article title

Harmonisation of the Powers of NCAs in EU Member States. A Few Remarks on the Basis of the Experience of the Czech Republic and Poland After the Deadline for Transposition of the ECN+ Directive Has Passed


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This article critically discusses how legal frameworks in the Czech Republic and Poland correspond to the requirements of ECN+ Directive with regard to the powers of NCAs. For that purpose, the authors analyse the obligations of EU Member States – within this scope – under this directive, as well as legal frameworks in the Czech Republic and Poland. Subsequently, the article compares the manner of regulating these issues in the national legal orders of these countries to the standard required by ECN+ Directive. The aim of this publication is to verify whether, and how, these two EU Member States meet those requirements, and to determine any potential differences in the approach taken by legislators in these EU Member States.








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  • Uniwersytet w Białymstoku: Wydział Prawa
  • Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Law


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