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The world development is characterized by blurring the division between science and economy. As a result, industrial development based on a growing dependency on knowledge and information has accelerated. In turn, due to the development of the knowledge-based economy, the importance of the so-called intellectual property laws is also on the increase. Protection of these laws not only constitutes one of the main branches of the market, but also remains a transaction object. This way cooperation between science and industry finds its realization. It enables the partners to gain dominance on the market and leads to creating new solutions which further power technological progress.
The period of system transformation in Polish economy had a great influence on the function of settlement systems. At the beginning of 1990s, the rules and mechanisms of cities development were changing, and their functional meaning in local and regional space was connected with introducing new market rules and changing the ownership system. Functional structure analysis in cities proves that industry is giving way. However, industry should not be treated as a decadent branch, and all legislative and investment actions ought to be concentrated on quality restructuring. Industry can compete on the local, national and European market only when it goes through structural transformation, from a simple industry based on raw materials to competitive industries of high technology. In the region, the openness to actions of innovation is manifested in the creation of the Bydgoszcz Industrial-Technical Park in Bydgoszcz and the Centre of Technology Transfer in Toruń. These units are to be the platform of cooperation between science and industry, to introduce the modern know-how to the region, to create new workplaces, and finally to upper the cities and region’s position on the industrial arena.
The article discusses the issue of innovation in economies of European states against the USA, Japan and China. It is based on the size of investment in the R&D sector in relation to the GDP (GERD/GDP) as well as the structure of these investments. In accordance with the research the EU27 spends much less on the R&D sector than its largest competitors. Besides, the EU is diversified in those terms. In 2006 the GERD/GDP index ranged from 3.74% in Sweden to 0.43% in Cyprus. Moreover, the EU also shows a different structure of the sources of capital invested in this sector that the other studied states. Generally, the lower inclination to investment into the R&D sector is visible within the sector of companies, which lies at the basis of efficiency of the innovation system.
The article presents diversity in innovation in the European states as an aspect of the development of the information society. In accordance with the undertaken research, innovations occupy a specific position among all the factors conditioning the development of the information society. Not only do they dictate the rate and the directions of the economic development, but to a significant degree they influence the forms and the structure of the international cooperation. As a result, innovations constitute this element which in fact determines the international competitiveness of both individual industries and entire economies. The agglomeration of the European states according to their Summary Innovation Index (SII) structure has revealed a clear distinction between the studied elements. They fall into two categories, which are related to an overall level of the socio-economic development as well as significant stages of the development of the European Union. The first group consists mainly of the states of the EU15 and non-member states, while the second group comprises of the EU2004, EU2007 and the candidate states. Considering the mean values of the SII elements, the largest distance between the two groups was revealed between the input of the intellectual property (IP) and the knowledge creation (KC) into innovation of the states, while the smallest distance was revealed in the areas of the I&E and the application.
Jedną z głównych cech współczesnej gospodarki światowej jest postępujący proces jej globalizacji, przejawiający się m.in. znoszeniem kolejnych barier w przepływie towarów i usług oraz czynników produkcji. Próba przebudowy polskiej gospodarki po 1989 r. z myślą o dostosowywaniu jej do wymagań integrującego się rynku światowego oznaczała konieczność uruchomienia procesów gospodarczych prowadzących do zwiększenia zdolności konkurencyjnej naszej gospodarki. W warunkach gospodarki rynkowej proces ten w dużej mierze uzależniony jest od działań podejmowanych przez poszczególne przedsiębiorstwa. Jednakże w polskich realiach prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej nadal obwarowane jest wieloma barierami, m.in. natury organizacyjnej (np. brak zaplecza instytucjonalnego wspierającego rozwój przedsiębiorczości), administracyjnej (rozbudowane procedury, biurokracja, zmienność przepisów), finansowej i fiskalnej (zadłużony budżet ogranicza możliwości dostępu do kapitału, wysokie stopy podatkowe), co w znacznym stopniu ogranicza swobodę działania. Taka sytuacja pozwala wysnuć wniosek, iż prowadzona od ponad10 lat restrukturyzacja polskich przedsiębiorstw, rozumiana jako radykalna zmiana w co najmniej jednym spośród trzech wymiarów organizacji, tj. w zakresie działania, strukturze kapitałowej lub organizacji wewnętrznej firmy, miała charakter wstępny. Istotą restrukturyzacji powinno być bowiem zwiększenie konkurencyjności.
Urynkowienie gospodarki na początku lat dziewięćdziesiątych miało wyraźny wpływ na zmiany w przemyśle całej Polski. Regres, który zaznaczył się m.in. spadkiem produkcji, zatrudnienia, wzrostem cen, trudnościami ze zbytem oraz pozyskiwaniem środków finansowych, dotknął większość branż przemysłu woj. toruńskiego. Terapia „szokowa” wyrażona m.in. liberalizacją większości cen, nałożeniem ostrych hamulców na wszelkie źródła wypływu pieniądza na rynek, wprowadzeniem niezwykle wysokiego podatku od ponadnormatywnych wynagrodzeń oraz wzrostem stopy oprocentowania kredytów, przyczyniła się do obniżenia produkcji sprzedanej w latach 1990–1991 o prawie jedną trzecią, podczas gdy w latach osiemdziesiątych dynamika produkcji sprzedanej wzrastała przeciętnie o 5%
Ogół radykalnych zmian w systemie funkcjonowania polskiej gospodarki po 1989 określany jest mianem transformacji systemowej. Jako główną zasadę przeobrażeń w Polsce przyjęto, że zmiany powinny zmierzać do ukształtowania się gospodarki rynkowej, w której szczególną rolę pełnią przedsiębiorstwa. Pod względem ekonomicznym i prawnym przedsiębiorstwo to wyodrębniona jednostka gospodarcza, prowadząca działalność w celu osiągnięcia korzyści ekonomicznych, tj. zysku i wzrostu wartości rynkowej firmy...
The development of world’s economy and the rise in world’s population are connected with a constantly growing demand for energy. The second half of the 20th century was marked by a particularly rapid increase in exploitation of fuel resources, and by a growth in the role of oil and natural gas in the structure of primary fuels utilization. Nowadays oil covers about 40% of the primary fuels utilization in the world. The richest reserves of oil are located around the Persian Gulf (about 65%). Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Iran and Iraq provide around 30% of the world’s supply of petroleum. The instability of the region and the threat from the Muslim fundamentalism make the Western European countries and the US search for alternative sources of that fuel. The Caspian region became an area of excellent economic promises. After the collapse of the USSR and the discovery of rich oil reserves in the Caspian Sea bed, the world’s interest in the region grew significantly. The Caspian Sea oil reserves have been estimated for 163 billion barrels, which is around one fourth of the confirmed total Middle East resources. This article presents the problems of different variants of dividing the Caspian Sea, location of oil resources in the region, and the methods and location of its distribution.
The article presents change in the object of study of the industrial geography in Poland that took place in the late twentieth century with a context in the internal and external conditions of the functioning of the industrial activities. A kind of barometer of the impact of internal and external conditions for the functioning of industrial units and the scale of regional integration in this area can be achieved by studying the economic situation also known as business tendency. In this paper the author would like to draw attention to the economic condition survey in industry conducted by the Central Statistics Office (GUS) as an example of modern research in the industrial geography in Poland.
Globalization brings important effects in the strategic and spatial behaviour of enterprises, especially industrial enterprises. The contributing factors are organizational (production fragmentation), economic (search for other sources of economy optimization), technological (which influence the cost of transport and communication and facilitate running business in many countries), and political (systematic reduction of barriers in global goods, services and capital flow). As a consequence of mutual relations between these factors, in global economy the bonds between foreign trade, investments, capital flow and new technologies application are tightening - and so are spatial relations. Conditions of enterprise functioning, modified by globalization processes, call for a change in the scientific approach to the problems of development and functioning of industry in the 21st century, with special emphasis put on subjective and objective aspects and on precise labelling and re-defining phenomena, or defining the unknown ones that emerge as the result of changes. Thus this paper focuses on such phenomena connected with the new industry-location tendencies as production de-materialization, disindustrialization or relocation (regarded as the process of dislocation or outsourcing). In the conclusions, attention is drawn to the problem of measurement of relocation processes.
The article tries to classify the EU states in terms of the advancement of structural changes in their industries on the basis of the increase in the share of advanced technologies in total industrial production, labour, added value, and surplus. In the times of the knowledge-based economy the ability to produce high-tech goods, the demand for which is growing much faster than for traditional goods, indicates the level of modernity of industry.The dynamic growth of the demand for knowledge-based high-tech goods results from the evolution of consumer habits, which are predominantly driven by educated and rich societies who demand that their sophisticated needs met. An important role in stimulating this demand is played by modern media as they instantly deliver information on the latest technical developments and are very efficient in transferring patterns of consumerism. The ability to adapt the structure of production to the needs of the market is crucial in defining a state's position in the international exchange of goods. This is due to the fact that the national technology is tightly interwoven with export abilities.
The paper presents theoretical reflections and a comparative analysis of the quality of human capital in the industry of the EU Member States in 2000 and 2008. As the quality of human capital is largely derived from the public education of a given country, the opportunities to build the country’s competitive advantages on the basis of this resource were examined through the prism of absorption by the industry of the overall human capital resources in the economy, and the participation of qualified human resources (Human Resources Devoted to Science and Technology) in the general human resources in the industry. The degree of involvement of human capital in the R&D activities was also analysed, as those employed in this sphere, having the knowledge and experience that contribute to the creativity of employees and innovation of the companies, are the backbone of human capital.
The paper aims to present the advancement of economic changes in the post-socialist states inEurope and in the former USSR in 2005, as the basis for the development of the informationsociety and the entrepreneurship. The study was based on 30 variables and the syntheticindicator of Perkal. The research on the relation between the business activities enabled theauthor to delimit the groups of similar countries. This was followed by the analysis within andbetween the groups. The main assumption of this research was the existence of a closeinterrelation between the level of the development of the information society and the level ofthe development of entrepreneurship in the transforming countries. The verification of this assumption was based on the measurements of the correlation.
Globalization as the drive of socio-economic and political transformations shapes the new order of the modern world. The imperative of constant economic growth forces the search for new sources of optimization of industrial activity, e.g. through extensive division of labour, searching for cheap labour, specialization of activity, tightening the bonds between particular sectors of the national economy, using new technological achievements and new organizational solutions (production fragmentation), and political activity (systematic reduction of barriers in goods, services and capital global flow). Globalization also causes far-reaching changes in the functioning of industry. As a consequence, the object of research in industrial geography changes, as well as the theme- and research range of industrial structures (systems). Traditionally the analysis of structural systems was conducted on the planes of: divisions (branches), ownership, size, and space. In the globalization era, as a result of strong influence of science and technology on industry, especially in organizational, technological, but also logistic spheres, individuation of each of the above-mentioned structures becomes highly problematic. In the light of the above, the author of the present paper examines the applicability of the spatial auto-corellation analysis in identification of patterns of spatial dependencies and spatial heterogeneity of industrial activity, on the example of the Kujawsko-pomorskie voivodship. The main assumption of auto-corellation analysis is based on the claim that the intensity of phenomena in a spatial unit depends on their level in neighbouring units. Experimental analysis of auto-corellative dependencies with respect to the industrial activity development and spatial influence of this activity seems to be a helpful method in identifying industrial spatial structures. It enables determination of patterns of spatial heterogeneity and other patterns of spatial dependencies. Using this method enables to diagnose a low degree of spatial dependency of units with respect to industrial development, and to notice the tendency of polarization of the industrial activity distribution.
Przestrzeń przemysłowa w Polsce jest częścią przestrzeni gospodarczej, ukształtowanej w okresie długiego doświadczenia historycznego. Jej współczesny obraz jest wynikiem różnorodnych wydarzeń społecznych i gospodarczych, obejmujących zarówno okresy rozwoju, jak i okresy wojennej i niewojennej destrukcji. Podstawowymi elementami przestrzeni przemysłowej są różnorodne formy koncentracji przemysłu (skupiska przemysłowe), które stanowią funkcję natężenia sił skupienia przestrzennego potencjału produkcyjnego i czasu. Skupiska przemysłowe różnią się od siebie pod względem genezy, zasięgu, zainwestowania, struktury produkcji, powiązań techniczno-ekonomicznych itp., dlatego ich delimitacja nastręcza wiele trudności.
Na wstępie warto zastanowić się, czym jest globalizacja w aspekcie przedsiębiorstwa? Najogólniej można powiedzieć, że globalizacja firm oznacza zaawansowane umiędzynarodowienie ich działalności, które polega na funkcjonalnej integracji rozproszonych poświecie jednostek organizacyjnych. Założenie to najpełniej realizowane jest przez największe przedsiębiorstwa, które sukcesywnie i konsekwentnie rozszerzają zasięg swego działania m.in. poprzez łączenie się przedsiębiorstw w coraz większe organizmy gospodarcze, które dysponując coraz większą siłą mogą dyktować warunki innym uczestnikom rynku. Integracja ekonomiczna przedsiębiorstw może mieć różny przebieg, skalę i zasięg. O integracji poziomej mówi się, gdy w skład organizacji integracyjnej wchodzą przedsiębiorstwa wytwarzające takie same lub podobne produkty, natomiast o pionowej, gdy łączą się przedsiębiorstwa różnych gałęzi i branż, uczestniczące w kolejnych fazach procesu produkcji dobra finalnego...
The article aims to present data resources for the needs of research in geography of industry in Poland. These sources can be independently obtained primary sources or secondary sources. Primary data have a unique value. They are collected for a specific purpose to solve a specific problem. They usually allow for a detailed description of the theme under investigation. As they are obtained directly from the surveyed entities during statistical research, they show timeliness and originality. In the research in geography of industry, primary data sources are used relatively rarely. It is mainly due to the time-consuming and costly nature of this type of research and the increasing difficulties in obtaining consent for research from respondents. Therefore, secondary data, which are the results of previous research, primarily by Statistics Poland, are especially popular. Statistics Poland, deals with issues useful from the point of view of the research in geography of industry, both in the form of surveys of the official statistics and as part of experimental studies. The article describes research carried out by Statistics Poland, which provides essential information about the industry and its location. Administrative data sources which may be helpful in this regard have also been mentioned. Public statistics has access to many of them. The area of interest of official statistics regarding data on industrial activities also refers to the data on the labour areas, which were created using the European version of the TTWA algorithm. The argument presented in this article proves that public statistics investigates a broad spectrum of phenomena related to industrial activities, and the results of these studies are and may be widely used by researchers in geography of industry.
The objective of the article is to present the complexity and diversity of methodical approaches to study the quality of life, including the category of happiness. An attempt was made to quantify the subjective quality of life based on Polish research, among others, Social Cohesion Research (BSS, conducted since 2011), European Survey of Living Conditions (EU-SILC, since 2005) and Social Diagnosis (DS, from 2000) and international research, among others Gross National Happiness (GNH, from 1972), European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS, since 2003), European Social Survey (ESS, since 2002) and Measurement of National Welfare, implemented by the Office for National Statistics in Great Britain (ONS, from 2010). The analyzes carried out show that the researchers did not accept one valid definition of happiness; there is also no one way to measure it. Common approaches to studying the problems of happiness include the conviction that the quality of life and the sense of happiness of citizens are the same priority as measurable economic problems.
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie złożoności i różnorodności podejść metodycznych do badania jakości życia z uwzględnieniem kategorii szczęścia. Podjęto próbę kwantyfikacji subiektywnej jakości życia na podstawie polskich badań, m.in. Badania spójności społecznej (BSS, przeprowadzanego od 2011 r.), Europejskiego badania warunków życia ludności (EU-SILC, od 2005 r.) i Diagnozy społecznej (DS, od 2000 r.) oraz badań międzynarodowych, m.in. Gross National Happiness (GNH, od 1972 r.), Europejskiego badania jakości życia (EQLS, od 2003 r.), Europejskiego sondażu społecznego (ESS, od 2002 r.) oraz Pomiaru dobrobytu narodowego, realizowanego przez Urząd Statystyczny Wielkiej Brytanii (ONS, od 2010 r.). Przeprowadzone analizy pokazują, że badacze nie przyjęli jednej obowiązującej definicji szczęścia; nie ma również jednego sposobu jego pomiaru. Do wspólnych ujęć badania problematyki szczęścia należy przekonanie, że jakość życia i poczucie szczęścia obywateli są takim samym priorytetem, jak wymierne problemy ekonomiczne.
The paper raises the issue of spatial differentiation of tourist infrastructure measured by the potential of tourist accommodation (Charvát index — Tch) and the intensity of tourist traffic (Schneider index — Ts). This issue is presented in two spatial approaches — according to the typology of the OECD and that of EUROSTAT. The analysis shows that, in relation to the whole of Poland, the regions of a predominantly rural (PW) character have a much lower saturation with accommodation base (Tch). According to the OECD methodology the Tch index in such areas is nine times lower, while according to EUROSTAT three times lower than in predominantly urban areas. This phenomenon is more intense in the view of the first typology due to the specific criteria for delimiting areas of predominantly urban character. Also, the intensity of tourist traffic (Ts) by both typologies is twice lower in predominantly rural areas. This is due to a different nature of preferences and behavior of tourists. Rural areas are dominated by various forms of leisure tourism, while in cities tourist stays for a significantly shorter time. However, predominantly rural regions are not internally consistent. The best-developed tourist accommodation base (Tch) is located in the areas of the top tourist attractions - at the seaside and in the mountains. Also it is there where the highest intensity of tourist traffic (Ts) is recorded. The least-developed accommodation infrastructure as well as lowest tourist interest were recorded for the predominantly rural regions of Mazovia and Eastern Poland. Although trends of diversification of tourist infrastructure in the PW areas delimited by different methods are similar, they may not be a reference for each other. As all the coastal regions and the regions of the Masurian Lake District are not, according to the Eurostat classification, PW areas, the differences in the values of the indexes representing the state of their accommodation base and their attractiveness to tourists are significant. Therefore, only the internal differentiation of an area classified by one of the methods can be subjected to comparison.
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