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This article aims to identify the ways to increase the effectiveness of content marketing through the use of context marketing tools aimed to make the content more desirable in the eyes of a potential customer. The study emphasises the significant position of the content marketing strategy in marketing activities and also shows the objectives that can be implemented with the help of this strategy. In addition, it presents the importance of customers in the content marketing, describing the observed purchasing trends called the ROPO and ROTOPO effect. The author presents the key assumptions of context marketing and indicates the possibility of the use of its tools to implement the content marketing strategy more effectively. The aim of the article was fulfilled by conducting a secondary research of the available literature and reports.
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie sposobów na wzrost skuteczności content marketingu przez wykorzystanie działań context marketingu zmierzających do podniesienia rangi danej treści w oczach potencjalnego klienta. W opracowaniu wskazano na znaczącą pozycję strategii content marketingu w działaniach marketingowych, a także przedstawiono cele, które dzięki niej mogą być realizowane. Ponadto przedstawiono rolę człowieka, jaką pełni w marketingu treści, wskazując na obserwowane trendy zakupowe nazywane efektem ROPO i efektem ROTOPO. Następnie zaprezentowano kluczowe założenia context marketingu oraz wskazano na możliwości wykorzystanie jego narzędzi do realizacji strategii content marketingu w sposób skuteczniejszy. Realizacja celu opracowania została dokonana przez przeprowadzenie badań wtórnych literatury oraz dostępnych raportów.
Цель статьи – указать способы повышения действенности контент-маркетинга путем использования действий контекст-маркетинга, направленных на повышение ранга данного содержания в глазах потенциального клиента. В разработке указали значимую позицию стратегии контент-маркетинга в маркетинговых действиях, а также представили цели, которые могут осуществляться благодаря ней. Кроме того, представили роль человека, какую он выполняет в контент-маркетинге, указывая на наблюдаемые покупочные тренды, назы- ваемые эффектом ROPO и эффектом ROTOPO. Затем представили основные предпосылки контекст-маркетинга и указали возможности использования его инструментов для осуществления стратегии контент-маркетинга более резуль- тативным образом. Выполнение цели разработки осуществили путем проведения вторичных исследований литературы и доступных отчетов.
Celem rozważań jest przedstawienie tendencji zmian zachowań konsumentów w kierunku wirtualizacji i domocentryzmu (cocooning). W niniejszej pracy scharakteryzowano poszczególne trendy oraz dokonano próby zidentyfikowania współzależności występującej między nimi. Jako metodę badawczą wybrano badania wtórne, polegające na analizie zróżnicowanych informacji z zakresu marketingu, zarządzania i socjologii oraz badania niezależnej agencji badawczej. Efektem analizy przeprowadzonej w artykule jest potwierdzenie tezy o zależności występującej pomiędzy wirtualizacją zachowań konsumenckich a domocentryzmem. Badania literatury pozwalają stwierdzić, że oba analizowane zjawiska są wyraźnie dostrzegane oraz mają znaczący wpływ na zmiany zachowań konsumentów. Waga opisywanych zjawisk jest znacząca, zarówno dla firm, jak i dla społeczeństwa. Przedsiębiorstwa dzięki poznaniu nowych trendów konsumpcji, mogą tak kształtować swoją ofertę, aby wpisywała się ona w ideę opisywanych trendów, maksymalizując tym samym swoje korzyści. Wyniki przeprowadzonego badania dają także podstawę do podjęcia badań pierwotnych pozwalających na głębsze zbadanie zjawisk. Artykuł jest przeglądem literatury.
An aim of considerations is to present the tendencies to changes in consumers’ behaviours towards virtualisation and cocooning. In her work, the author characterised individual trends and made an attempt to identify the correlation taking place between them. As the research method there was selected desk research consisting in an analysis of various information in the field of marketing, management and sociology as well as surveys carried out by an independent research agency. An effect of the carried out in the article analysis is the confirmation of the thesis of correlation occurring between virtualisation of consumer behaviours and cocooning. The literature studies allow stating that both analysed phenomena are clearly perceived and have a considerable impact on consumers’ behaviours. The weight of the described phenomena is significant both for firms and for the society. Enterprises, owing to learning new trends in consumption, can so shape their offer that it could be a part of the idea of the trends being described, thus maximising their benefits. Findings of the carried out research also provide grounds for undertaking primary surveys allowing a deeper examination of the phenomena. The article is a literature overview.
Цель рассуждений - представить тенденции к изменениям поведения потребителей в направлении виртуализации и домоцентризма (англ. cocooning). В разработке дана характеристика отдельных тенденций и сделана попытка выявить взаимозависимость, выступающую между ними. В качестве исследовательского метода избрали вторичные исследования, заключающиеся в анализе разных информаций в области маркетинга, управления и социологиии, а также исследования, проведенные независимым агентством по изучению. Эффектом проведенного в статье анализа стало подтверждение тезиса о зависимости, выступающей между виртуализацией поведения потребителей и домоцентризмом. Изучение литературы позволяет констатировать, что оба анализируемые явления весьма заметны и оказывают значительное влияние на изменения в поведении потребителей. Весомость описываемых явлений значительна как для фирм, так и для общества. Предприятия благодаря изучению новых трендов в потреблении могут так формировать свое предложение,чтобы оно было частью идеи описываемых трендов, тем самым максимизируя свои выгоды. Результаты проведенного изучения дают тоже основу для проведения первичных исследований, позволяющих более глубокое исследование явлений. Статья представляет собой обзор литературы.
Hipotezą badawczą, na której opiera się artykuł jest stwierdzenie, iż w twórczości Jerzego Andrzejewskiego można dostrzec wpływy/refl eksy nowej powieści francuskiej. Wychodząc od próby powiązania biografi i pisarza z jego twórczością, spróbuję wskazać takie cechy niektórych utworów Andrzejewskiego (między innymi Bram raju oraz Miazgi), które pozwolą na wyodrębnienie paraleli pomiędzy poetyką tychże dzieł a stylem wypracowanym przez autorów nouveau roman.
The research hypothesis, on which this article is based, is the statement, that new novel infl uences can be found in Jerzy Andrzejewski’s works. Beginning with an att empt to link the writer’s biography with his work, I will att empt to indicate those characteristics of Andrzejewski’s works (especially among Bramy raju and Miazga) which will enable us to extract some parallels between the poetics of those works and the style created (elaborated) by new novel authors.
Dan Andersson (1888-1920), a poet and writer, has a large number of enthusiasts in Sweden. Many of his poems were put to music and they became well - known songs. His lyrics are said to contain the essence of Sweden - anxiety, melancholy and existential dilemmas. He lived and wrote in the period of important political and social transformations which were also reflected in literature. There are many similarities in the biographies of Dan Andersson and of the first proletariat writers. Being himself very poor he commiserated with the poor, the unhappy and the sufferers. This compassion reflected in his works has taken the form of philosophical and religious thoughts of human fate and attitude towards God. The background of Dan Andersson works is finnmark - a Finnish colony region lying on the border between the province of Varmland and Dalama. When describing his finnmark Dan Andersson combines realistic pictures of hard work, poverty and misery with elements of fantasy and folk beliefs. He also pays a lot of attention to the descriptions of nature. His heroes are very characteristic: they are charcoalburners, beggars, fiddlers, shamans and criminals. Each of these groups is described in a different way.
The aim of researches was the recognition of attitudes in the face problems of the environmental protection of inhabitants of two communes near Kraków: Wieliczka and Zielonki. This to make one used with special categories: the ecological attitude and the ecological indifference with introduced by T. Burger. Presented elaboration targets the distinction of attitudes of inhabitants in Zielonki and Wieliczka communes.. Researches were carried out in 2010 among adult of 150 inhabitants of both communes. The relation of respondents to the environment protection is more declared than realized. It seems that findings permit them to classify to the group I (favoring to the environmental protection, however not demonstrating clearly the ecological attitude) and II (the group of indifferent people , not concerned this with the problems and not recognizant so that the management an environmental protection be necessary). In progress of research rather one did not ascertain the attitude which would help to define respondents as persons perceiving problems of the ecology but simultaneously expressing to the conviction that not yet the time to deal with their resolution or else being with conscious opponents of the environmental protection (that is being qualified to the group II and IV).
A high level of traditionalism and tradition cultivation in multi – generations families in Debno Community, which set its rhythm is seen. Over 80% respondents indicated to very big and big role of tradition in their families. Only the fall of signifi cance of typically secular tradition is observed for example: Easter Monday or painting painted eggs. At present these tradition strictly connected with church rites are maintained on the same level as in the past. The fact of long – lists of additional traditions, which were mentioned by respondents reflects about high level of traditionalism in Debno Community. As much as 80% families, out of typical families which are kept on the whole on Christmas and Eastern traditions indicated to the existence of extra rites and customs like: “Burning Judas” in Easter Thursday, blessing garlands in the Octave of Corpus Christi or a home – made bread. Moreover most families don’t treat mainly feasts like an opportunity to relax or social meetings, but first of all as religious experience and wonderful alleged reason to family meetings. Summing up on can state that feasts and traditions connected with them play big role in multi – generation families life from Debno Community.
Poziom świadomości ekologicznej w Polsce uznawany jest za jeden z najniższych w Europie. Wynika to z braku oceny istniejącej sytuacji oraz faktu, że większość społeczeństwa nie widzi konieczności osobistego zaangażowania w tę problematykę. Nierzadko odpowiedzialność za stan przyrody zrzucana jest głównie na: naukowców, polityków czy ruchy ekologiczne. Tak więc znajomość stanu świadomości ekologicznej społeczeństwa odgrywa ważną rolę w programowaniu polityki ekologicznej państwa i wyborze narzędzi jej praktycznej realizacji.
It is possible to say about ecological awareness while we’re able to observe the existence of real contact within given community or if we assume its existence at least. In other cases it will simply fix the sum of individual states of consciousness, which do not form a self-contained whole. It will be a static category, not social [Górka and others 2001]. An ecological awareness comes into being in the process of acquaintance with nature and searching human place in natural environment. It is gained in the processes of social socialization with other elements of culture [Sadowski 2000]. In sociology the division of three periods: period of popular ecological awareness, next, period of shaping ideological elements and period of educational ecological awareness formulated under pro-ecological education and knowledge is very popular. The scientific research the state and the period of society’s ecological awareness can be carried out both by means of systematic or fragmentary sociological researches or by studies about social conflicts or ecological movements. However it’s considered that sociologists are not right when they affirm that it’s possible to acquire the scientific awareness totally deprived ideological elements because when ecological awareness should be shaped first it is necessary to determine relations man-environment, which determination is a fundamental assumption of philosophical nature. The basic difficulty in sociological research of ecological awareness is the lack of inner cohesion in given opinions and people attitudes. It results from this sphere that ecological awareness occurs in two forms: awareness only in declared form and realized awareness that is really enters into life. The level of compliance between these kinds of awareness depend on human social surroundings and exerted social pressure. According to Galińskiego [2008] ”dissonance between verbal behaviours and real ones in ecological sphere and preferences for instrumental ecological values make the expression of careless attitude of polish society against surroundings at all – not only against natural environment”. In Poland only in eighties in twelve century researches with the aim of acquaintance the awareness of society started to be carried out. From that time many significant sociological researches have been carried out, but none of them haven’t proved the problem fully.
Badania zostały przeprowadzone w trzech małopolskich gminach – Dębnie, Wieliczce i Zabierzowie. Dobrano do nich po 40 wielopokoleniowych rodzin wiejskich w każdej gminie. Przeprowadzono z nimi wywiady wg kwestionariusza, który został podzielony na trzy części skierowane do przedstawicieli trzech pokoleń: dziadków, rodziców i wnuków. Łącznie przebadano 360 osób. Prezentowane wyniki badań będą stanowiły próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie jak istotną rolę odgrywa tradycja w życiu wielopokoleniowych rodzin wiejskich, a także w jakim zakresie kultywowane są w nich zwyczaje odziedziczone po poprzednich pokoleniach.
Family tradition is the essential value of upbringing. It shapes a specific atmosphere for each common family and style of house by decision about its individual character. The awareness of family cultural heritage, own roots of tradition has got an essentially significant for individual’s life. It allows to develop by means of building into culture, among it into tradition, customs and folk customs usually preserved by nations, social groups and families. A family takes up in social transmission. Thanks to it heritage and traditions are remembered and revived. According to Ziemski transmission is “communication between this what was and this what is”. Mentioned revival happens, when the contact between sender (former generations) and receiver and such contact takes place because of social institutions like family. A child gradually, by his upbringing and education receives cultural heritage from their parents, who transmit him his own life experiences, among them these, which they had received form their parents. Presented researches was carried out in three Malopolska communities – Dębno, Wieliczka i Zabierzow. 40 multigenerational families were selected in each community in these researches. Interviews with questionnaire were carried out with them, the questionnaire was devided into three parts directed to the representatives of three generations: grandparents, parents and grandchildren. All in all 360 people were examined. Presented results constituted the attempt of answers for question about essential role of tradition in multi-generational rural families’ life, and about the range of customs keeping which are inherited from previous generations, too. For straight majority of respondents the role of tradition in their life is big or very big (all in all for almost 90% people). It is easy to see the little degeneration of tradition, which are typically secular, while customs strictly connected with religious practices are cultivated also with big engagement like in the past. It’s seen, as parish priest says: “in solemn experience of religious and festive events”. Results of researches related to perceiving festivals in multigenerational generational families find the reflection in mentioned yet interview with parish priest. He said that, “certainly for rural family on the first place religious experiences matter. A big attendance in churches in taking part in masses and very numerous saint sacraments receiving, although certainly Christmas are more family than Eastern ones. Summarizing, one can affirm that festivals and traditions connected with them still play a very essential role in rural multigenerational families’ life from the territory of examined Malopolska communities.
This article offers a comparative interpretation of two poems: “Ostatni mój sonet” [My Last Sonnet] by Cyprian Norwid and “Adieux à la poésie” by Louise Ackermann. Although these two authors differ in terms of sex, nationality, artistic style as well as the national and European reception of their work, these two poems are only four years apart. Both prove to be interesting material for study due to their simultaneous “debut” and “late” character: they describe gestures of bidding farewell to poetry in some specific aspect and in general. The lonely existence of the lyrical “I” in Ackermann’s poem and its sombre mood can be juxtaposed with the relation between “I” and “you” and the increasing scale of emotions in the lyric by Norwid, leading to 150 the conclusion that both works elaborate on the theme of human indifference to the feelings of others, and on the misunderstanding of both authors’ poems by their readers. What dominates in the case of Ackermann is the fear of lack of empathy, while Norwid emphasizes the problem of conventions that hinder real communication. What this is proves is that in these “debuts” the two authors bid farewell only to certain properties of poetry characteristic of the period’s lyricism (expression of the feelings of the lyrical subject and the convention of sonnet-like love lyricism), while these two poems themselves open passages to different stages of poetic creation.
W artykule przedstawiono interpretację porównawczą utworów: Ostatni mój sonet Cypriana Norwida i Adieux à la poésie Louise Ackermann. Autorów dzieli płeć i narodowość, a także styl artystyczny oraz krajowa i europejska recepcja, ich wiersze powstały w odstępie czterech lat. Te dwa utwory okazują się interesującym materiałem do badania z powodu ich jednoczesnego debiutanckiego i „późnego” charakteru: opisano w nich gesty pożegnania z poezją w ogóle i w pewnym jej wymiarze. Obecność samotniczej egzystencji „ja” lirycznego w wierszu Ackermann oraz jednostajnie smutnego nastroju w tym utworze, a relacji między „ja” i „ty” lirycznym w utworze Norwida oraz większej skali emocji prowadzi do wniosków, że tym, co łączy omawiane dzieła, jest motyw ludzkiej obojętności wobec uczuć innych i niezrozumienia ich poezji przez odbiorców. U Ackermann dominuje lęk przed tym brakiem współodczuwania, Norwida zaś uwypukla problem konwencji, które uniemożliwiają prawdziwą komunikację. Udowodniono zatem hipotezę, że tym, co w istocie żegnają w swoich debiutach twórcy, są tylko pewne właściwości poezji typowe dla liryki im współczesnej (ekspresja uczuć osoby mówiącej w wierszu, konwencje sonetowej liryki miłosnej), a utwory te stanowią przejście do innego etapu ich poetyckiej kreacji.
The article discusses the image of a triumphal column in Norwid’s poems “Vendôme,” “Odpowiedź do Włoch (Fraszka),” and Szczesna. The inspiration to enquire about its function and symbolic power comes from Hegel’s lectures on aesthetics and the following passage from Epimenides: “The many columns […] many stray columns sought an edifice…” In Norwid’s thought, eternal glory is not meant for those who stand atop a triumphal column since such monuments can easily turn into dust, as confirmed by the fate of other monuments such as those of ancient leaders and Napoleon, but for the one who comes close to the “Pre-Eternal” upon physical death. The “power” is thus a value irrevocably tied to the triumphal column but has to rise to another dimension, other than that of physical power. This article recalls the idea of Paris as the “new Rome,” which was revived in the nineteenth century.
The article presents the image of a triumphal column in Norwid’s Vendôme, Odpowiedź do Włoch (Fraszka), and Szczęsna. Inspiration to ask a question about the role and symbolic power came from Hegel’s Aesthetics and this fragment of Epemenides: “The many columns … many stray columns sought an edifice…” In Norwid’s thought, eternal glory is not for the one who stood atop a triumphal column-such a monument can easily turn into dust, which is shown by the fate of other monuments, such as those of ancient commanders and Napoleon-but the one who comes close to the „Pre-Eternal” upon physical death. The “power” is a value that is irrevocably tied to the triumphal column but has to rise to another dimension, other than physical power. The article recalls the notion of Paris as a “new Rome,” revived in the 19th century.
Artykuł przedstawia motyw kolumny triumfalnej w utworach Norwida: Vendôme, Odpowiedź do Włoch… (Fraszka), Szczesna. Inspiracji do zadania pytania o funkcje kolumny i jej symboliczną siłę nośną dostarczyła Estetyka Georga Wilhelma Friedricha Hegla, a także fragment Epimenidesa: „Kolumn wiele, […] Zbłąkanych kolumn wiele, gmachu gdzieś szukało – ”. W myśli Norwida wieczną chwałę zyskuje nie ten, kto stanął na szczycie kolumny triumfalnej – bo taki posąg łatwo może obrócić się w pył, o czym przekonują dzieje pomników m.in. starożytnych wodzów i Napoleona, lecz ten, kto zbliżył się do „Przedwiecznego” fizyczną śmiercią. „Moc” jest tą wartością, która nieodwołalnie jest związana z kolumną triumfalną, lecz musi wznieść się do innego wymiaru niż tylko siła fizyczna. W artykule przypomniano także koncepcję Paryża jako „nowego Rzymu”, ożywioną w XIX wieku.
The author discusses Norwid’s connections with Provence in four aspects. The first of them are Provencal motifs in the poet’s biography: his journey to the south of France in 1858, Norwid’s brothers, Ludwik and Ksawery, moving houses to Provence, presentation of Norwid’s etchings at an exhibition in Nîmes in 1865. The second part of the article inscribes the image of Provence shown in Norwid’s works into the context of Mediterranean myths and the culture of northern France on the basis of conclusions drawn from Notes on Mythology and Orbis Album that he had read. In the third part the motif of Marseille proves especially significant, as the ancient Massalia is – which can be seen in Quidam and in the lectures on Juliusz Słowacki – a representation of the space of exile – it became the place to which Norwid’s important protagonists (like St Madeleine) were exiled. In the myth founding the town there is a clash between the idea of freedom and the vision of the world-prison. The fourth part of the article brings an interpretation of the Civilization “legend”, taking into consideration Provence contexts: the idea of putting forward Arles’ and Nîmes’ candidatures for the status of authority centers of the 19th century France.
The author discusses Norwid’s connections with Provence in four aspects. The first of them are Provencal motifs in the poet’s biography: his journey to the south of France in 1858, Norwid’s brothers, Ludwik and Ksawery, moving houses to Provence, presentation of Norwid’s etchings at an exhibition in Nimes in 1865. The second part of the article inscribes the image of Provence shown in Norwid’s works into the context of Mediterranean myths and the culture of northern France on the basis of conclusions drawn from Notes on Mythology and Orbis Album that he had read. In the third part the motif of Marseille proves especially significant, as the ancient Massalia is – which can be seen in Quidam and in the lectures on Juliusz Słowacki – a representation of the space of exile – it became the place to which Norwid’s important protagonists (like St Madeleine) were exiled. In the myth founding the town there is a clash between the idea of freedom and the vision of the world-prison. The fourth part of the article brings an interpretation of the Civilization “legend”, taking into consideration Provence contexts: the idea of putting forward Arles’ and Nimes’ candidatures for the status of authority centers of the 19th century France.
W artykule przedstawiono syntetyczną analizę rozwoju zjawiska prosumpcji oraz jego powiązania z innymi koncepcjami marketingu. Zaprezentowano zmiany zachodzące w świadomości i zachowaniu konsumentów, które w głównym stopniu są determinowane przez upowszechnienie się Internetu. Identyfikacja tych kluczowych zmian ma znaczący wpływ na zrozumienie roli, jaką współcześnie na rynku pełnią prosumenci. W artykule przedstawiono także wybrane formy współpracy klientów z przedsiębiorstwami, które występują przy wykorzystaniu nowych technologii. Ponadto podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jaki wpływ ma postęp technologiczny na rozwój zjawiska prosumpcji.
The article presents synthetic analysis of the development of the prosumption phenomenon and its relationship with the other concepts of marketing. Moreover, the author identifies the changes occurring in the consciousness and behaviour of consumers, which are mainly determined by the spread of the Internet. Identification of these key changes has a significant impact on the understanding of the role of prosumers in the market today. The article also explores selected forms of cooperation between clients and enterprises, taking place with the use of new technologies. In addition, the article attempts to provide the answer to the question of what influence technological progress has on the development of the prosumption phenomenon.
This article concerns rural young people from Michalowice Disticrt in Malopolska Voivodeship. It is the attempt of decision about social capital which they have. The young people from this region are able to realize their cultural ambitions in some of functioning musical groups, dancing groups and theatre groups. These people can take part in different events, which are organized in the district, too. Among them there are: historic event: “Liberty Picnic”, bicycle marathon “The Border of Two Annexations” and sport and tradition events such as harvest festival and “Potato Picnic”. It seems, that young inhabitants in Michałowice who want to realize themselves on social – cultural platform have many interesting proposals to choose. What is important they often benefit from them.
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