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Inner Emigration is a phenomenon in the German Literature and simultaneously an expression of a spiritual attitude that came into existence as a result of refuge from political and social reality. The term was developed as early as in the 1930s century and over the course of the years was more and more often discussed. The real debate about this issue was ignited in a correspondence among Frank Thiess, Walter von Molo and Thomas Mann. The main problem with defining the term is that it is connected with the moral judgment of the literature and its authors. The Inner Emigration in literature stands both for works which criticized the regime and the texts of authors, who were searching for preservation of their independence by retreating into their inwardness. Therefore they separated themselves from the ideological Nazi — literature and cultural and educational policy. Because the living conditions of the exiles and of those who decided to stay in Germany were completely diffe rent the Inner Emigration in Literature was accused of the attitude of resignation or opportunism. As a result this kind of literature was fully excluded in the 50s from the field of science.
Ernst Wiechert was one of the most important representatives of German inner emigration. Nowadays he is almost entirely forgotten. The aim of this article is to show his literary output according to his own memoirs Jahre und Zeiten that shed different light on the interpretation of his work, but also on his attitude and own evaluation of work, often conditioned not only by political or social considerations, but also, to a large extent, by what happened in his personal life. This article is an attempt to provide, in general terms, an analytical sketch of the writer’s works, from his first novels written in times of Conservative Revolutionary movement — Der Totenwald; Der Wald — via growing detachment from national views and the subject of The First World War — Der Knecht Gottes Andreas Nyland; speeches from the years: 1933 Der Dichter und die Jugend and 1935 Der Dichter und seine Zeit — to his autobiographical account of the concentration camp Buchenwald — Der Totenwald, novel Das einfache Leben or Missa sine Nomine.
Ernst Wiechert to jeden z najważniejszych (choć obecnie prawie zapomnianych) przedstawicieli niemieckiej emigracji wewnętrznej. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie twórczości pisarza przez pryzmat jego wspomnień Jahre und Zeiten, rzucających nowe światło nie tylko na interpretację dzieł Wiecherta, ale także na jego poglądy i ocenę własnej twórczości, uwarunkowanej nie tylko względami politycznymi czy społecznymi, ale także, w dużej mierze, wydarzeniami z życia osobistego. Artykuł stanowi próbę stworzenia szkicu analitycznego, obejmującego teksty z różnych okresów życia pisarza — począwszy od pierwszych powieści z kręgu literatury Rewolucji Konserwatywnej (Der Totenwald; Der Wald), poprzez utwory ukazujące narastający dystans do poglądów narodowych i do tematyki Pierwszej Wojny Światowej (Knecht Gottes Andreas Nyland; mowy z lat 1933 — Der Dichter und die Jugend i 1935 — Der Dichter und seine Zeit), aż po relację autobiograficzną z obozu koncentracyjnego w Buchenwaldzie (Der Totenwald, powieść — Das einfache Leben, czy Missa sine nomine).
Screening polygraph tests are most often conducted before a candidate is hired. Bayesian statistics help to better understand the real meaning of the test results obtained. Retesting also happens - usually when a candidate fails on the first attempt. In the article, the author considers various scenarios related to retesting and their consequences, including for the internal security of individual institutions and countries. He seeks optimal solutions so that testing procedures promote tightness in systems while remaining efficient and useful.
Badania poligraficzne o charakterze przesiewowym najczęściej przeprowadza się przed zatrudnieniem kandydata. Statystyka Bayesowska pomaga lepiej zrozumieć rzeczywiste znaczenie uzyskiwanych wyników testów. Zdarza się również wykonywanie badań powtórnych – najczęściej wtedy, gdy za pierwszym podejściem kandydatowi się nie powiedzie. W artykule autor rozważa różne scenariusze związane z ponownym testowaniem oraz ich konsekwencje, także w zakresie bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego poszczególnych instytucji i państw. Poszukuje optymalnych rozwiązań, aby procedury testowania sprzyjały szczelności systemów, a zarazem pozostały wydajne i użyteczne.
The 20th century was full of epoch-making events that left their mark on it. From the outbreak of the First World War and the fall of The German Empire, through numerous political and social shake-ups, until the outbreak of the Second World War, that became the event without precedent in the history of mankind. The First World War meant in many cases not only the end of some form of rule – the monarchy, but also, and maybe first of all, it originated the increase of xenophobia and anti-Semitism. The post-war years were identified with economic problems on a large scale that had influence on every aspect of life. Revolutions and an attempt to create the first democratic country in the history of Germany influenced the outlook of the world and beliefs of all people that lived at that time. The German people were under the influence of ideas and ideals of the educated social class, but also of Catholic child rearing or Protestant values. In that social and political situation wrote Clemens Graf von Galen in 1932 the treatise on Die Pest des Laizismus und ihre Erscheinungsformen, in which he carried out a critical analysis of all occurrences of social, political, religious-morals and economical life that took place in the falling Weimar Republic. Not in a direct way he also took a stand on growing in strength of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (commonly known as Nazi Party). The under mentioned article is aimed at presenting a profile of Clemens August Graf von Galen, later the Bishop of Münster, cardinal and the Blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, the origins of his beliefs that were reflected in his treatise Die Pest des Laizismus und ihre Erscheinungsformen.
Badania poligraficzne o charakterze przesiewowym najczęściej przeprowadza się przed zatrudnieniem kandydata. Statystyka Bayesowska pomaga lepiej zrozumieć rzeczywiste znaczenie uzyskiwanych wyników testów. Zdarza się również wykonywanie badań powtórnych – najczęściej wtedy, gdy za pierwszym podejściem kandydatowi się nie powiedzie. W artykule autor rozważa różne scenariusze związane z ponownym testowaniem oraz ich konsekwencje, także w zakresie bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego poszczególnych instytucji i państw. Poszukuje optymalnych rozwiązań, aby procedury testowania sprzyjały szczelności systemów, a zarazem pozostały wydajne i użyteczne.
Screening polygraph tests are most oeftn conducted before a candidate is hired. Bayesian statistics help to better understand the real meaning of the test results obtained. Retesting also happens usually when a candidate fails on the first attempt. In the article, the author considers various scenarios related to retesting and their consequences, including for the internal security of individual institutions and countries. He seeks optimal solutions so that testing procedures promote tightness in systems while remaining eficient and useful.
Herman Stehr (1864–1940) belonged to the generation of writers who had the chance to es­tablish a serious opposition against National Socialism during the Weimar Republic, the Fascist movement and the Third Reich. Not only their age but also their experience predestined them to assume such an honourable position. Hermann Stehr, at the early stage of his career, was considered a modern writer, not only because of his writings but also because of his political views, when in the 1920s he took an active part in the building of democratic structures of the Weimer Republic. Around 1930/31 a change occurred his work and in his political views.From this time onwards he actively supported the Nazis and legitimized their politics in his writings both nationally and internationally. The symbiosis between him and the Nazis became more and more visible as they started promoting him as one of the leading German writers.The aim of this paper is to present one of the most renowned German authors of the first half of the 20th century, who due to his conformism during the Third Reich lost his chance to defend humanistic values.Consequently, this paper proves that it is a grave error to classify Stehr, a writers of conservative views, as part of Inner Emigration.Hermann Stehr most certainly did not belong to that group.

Pojęcie eutanazji ma w kręgu kultury europejskiej nie tylko znaczenie historyczne. Odnosząc się do historii, filozofii, medycyny, etyki czy literatury, nabrało ono także charakteru instytucjonalnego w okresie Trzeciej Rzeszy, kiedy eutanazja stała się elementem walki z najsłabszymi członkami społeczeństwa. Na przykładzie analizy kazania biskupa niemieckiego Cicmensa Augusta Grafa von Galena z 3 sierpnia 1941 r. ukazany został sprzeciw Kościoła katolickiego w Trzeciej Rzeszy w okresie tzw. Kirchenkampf. Analiza kontekstualna miała na celu ukazanie elementów charakterystycznych języka i argumentacji, którymi posługiwał się Clemens August.
W niniejszym artykule autor opisuje proces normalizacji badań poligraficznych w Polsce i na świecie oraz uzasadnia potrzebę określenia jednolitych standardów przeprowadzania takich badań. Powołuje się przy tym na dotychczasowy dorobek American Polygraph Association, przedstawiając wnioski płynące z najnowszego raportu tej organizacji na temat uznanych technik badawczych. Następnie rozważa problematykę dowodowego wykorzystania ekspertyz z zakresu badań poligraficznych, porównując polskie regulacje do sytuacji w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Na zakończenie autor pokazuje obecne możliwości precyzyjnego określania rezultatów testów poligraficznych na podstawie Empirycznego Systemu Oceniania (ESS).
In this article the author describes the standardization of polygraph examinations in Poland and around the world, and justifies the need for uniform standards for conducting such examinations. He refers to the current achievements of the American Polygraph Association and presents the conclusions of the latest report on validated polygraph techniques. The issue of evidentiary usage of polygraph expert opinions in Poland is also considered in comparison to the situation in the United States. Finally, the author shows the current capabilities of formulating precise outcomes of polygraph tests according to Empirical Scoring System (ESS).
Klaus Mann (1906–1949) belonged to generation influenced by the two World Wars, burgeoning communism, and rising nationalism. Political component in his work is very strongly articulated not only in novels and essays, but also in autobiographical work. This emphasises his fascination in times he lived, but most of all it expresses his own involvement in fighting the evil which in his eyes were represented by Hitler and Nazism. In Mann’s eyes communism was not solely represented as a political system, but rather an ally in his personal crusade. In the literature there is often a question asked whether Klaus Mann was a communist or an ideologist whose majority of opinions were in line with ideological assumptions and values of the communist system. Despite clear declarations of the author himself, it is worth to look into his inner development: from fascination through growing distance and eventually disappointment which resulted in detaching himself from the communist ideas.
The article considers the advantages of blind interpretation of polygraph charts in the context of subjectivity in polygraph examinations. The purpose of this article is to provoke a discussion on the inclusion of blind scoring in evidentiary examinations as a standard procedure. Resorting to such a method should curb the impact of cognitive bias on interpreting test data as it has been proved empirically that information on the case facts and the examinee, provided to the examiner before the examination, may influence the subsequent interpretation of the charts.
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