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Teologia w Polsce
vol. 11
issue 2
Artykuł prezentuje elementy nowego paradygmatu mariologicznego, którego znaki pojawiają się w eklezjologii symbolicznej. Analizie zostały poddane głównie źródła w języku włoskim autorstwa Brunona Fortego, twórcy mariologii symbolicznej. Autor artykułu nie ograniczył się jednak tylko do streszczenia myśli Fortego, ale ukazał zręby rodzącego się w ramach eklezjologii symbolicznej nowego paradygmatu mariologicznego. Polega on na estetycznym opracowaniu tradycyjnych treści mariologicznych. Dzięki temu można mówić o estetyce mariologicznej, której główną oś stanowi z jednej strony docenienie konkretu, a z drugiej zakorzenienie w wewnętrznym życiu Trójcy Świętej. Maryja objawia bowiem „Wszystko” w „części”, ale nie za cenę usunięcia tego, co fragmentaryczne. W ten sposób osiągnięta zostaje równowaga między historycznym przekazem ewangelicznym a dogmatycznym wymiarem Objawienia. Brunon Forte w ramach symboliki eklezjalnej dał solidne podstawy, żeby można było mówić o nowym paradygmacie mariologicznym, i wskazał drogę do dalszych badań w tej materii.
The article presents the elements of new marialogical paradigm which signs appear in ecclesial’s symbolism. The analysis is mainly based on Italian sources by Bruno Forte, who is the creator of mariological symbolism. The Author of the article doesn’t limit himself only to summarising Forte’s idea, but he also exposes the foundations of new mariological paradigm which origin starts in ecclesial’s symbolism. It is based on aesthetic compiling of traditional mariological content. Thanks to this, we can talk about mariological aesthetics, which the main axis is focused on appreciating the concrete idea on the one hand, and rooting in The Trinity’s internal life on the other hand. Virgin Mary reveals “Everything” in “part”, but not for the price of removing the fragmental. In this way, the balance between historical message and dogmatic aspect of Revelation is achieved. Brunon Forte, within ecclesial’s symbolism, presents solid basics for us to be able to consider new marialogical paradigm and he shows the way for further studies in this field
Bezsporną zaletę myśli teologicznej belgijskiego jezuity Jeana Galota stanowi to, że z jednej strony uderzająca jest w niej oryginalność i świeżość ujęcia, a z drugiej wierność żywej Tradycji Kościoła.To połączenie sprawia, że warto dzisiaj, w dobie prób podważania katolickiej ortodoksji, przywoływaćbmyśl takich teologów, którzy są jej strażnikami. Jest to niezwykle istotne, gdyż prawda objawiona jest jednocześnie prawdą zbawczą. Dlatego ufność, z jaką można studiować myśl belgijskiego teologa, jest doświadczeniem nie do przecenienia.
The article deals with the issue of salutary meaning of Jesus Christ’s Ascension according to Jean Galot. The starting point of the reflections is a trial of highlighting the ascension as an event, with a unique, peculiar meaning. Next the issue of influence of ascension on acquiring power by Jesus Christ is analyzed. The power consists in the intercession of Jesus at his Father as well as pouring the Holy Spirit on the Church. Jesus Christ as a priest performs sacrifice of intercession, whereas as a king pleads continuously the case of his people in front of the Father. The sacrifice on the cross, the resurrection and ascension reveal the process of acquiring dignity by Jesus Christ. The dignity is portrayed by the picture and metaphor of the Head of the Mystical Body. By his ascension Jesus Christ becomes the Head of the Church and owing to this he is able to bestow the Church with God’s life. Highlighting the raising intercession movement as well as the descending movement of grace give grounds for proposing a thesis. Namely, the ascension of Jesus Christ performs and secures the common liturgy of the Church making a pilgrimage with the Church in Heaven. The thesis concerning the ascension of Jesus Christ, supported by Galot’s idea, is depicted as well as defended in the article.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 12
issue 1
Obecnie niedoceniany jest ogromny wkład, jaki Kościół katolicki wniósł do rozumienia pracy ludzkiej. Trudno sobie wyobrazić głębokie przemiany polityczne w środkowo-wschodniej Europie bez Solidarności, a jej samej nie sposób zrozumieć bez wpływu Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce. Stąd można wskazać na ewangeliczną genezę zasadniczej tezy Solidarności – jedni drugich ciężary noście. Wpływ Kościoła katolickiego na rozumienie pracy sięga jednak daleko w przeszłość. Już papież Leon XIII w encyklice Rerum novarum wprowadził kilka rozwiązań, co też było kontynuowane przez jego następców, Piusa XI w encyklice Quadragesimo anno, Jana XXIII w encyklice Mater et Magistra, przez nauczanie Soboru Watykańskiego II, głównie w Konstytucji dogmatycznej o Kościele Lumen gentium oraz Konstytucji duszpasterskiej o Kościele w świecie współczesnym Gaudium et spes, aż po naukę Jana Pawła II w encyklice Laborem exercens. Oczywiście najważniejszą syntezę w temacie pracy przedstawił Sobór Watykański II. Obecnie istnieje pilna potrzeba uwspółcześnienia nauki ojców soboru, a w niektórych przypadkach należy przekroczyć ten nieoceniony skarb nauki soborowej. Pojawiają się nowe problemy, które należy podjąć.
The Author of the article invokes to the rich tradition of Catholic Church concerning the issue of work. Beginning with decisive Pope’s Leon XIII encyclical the Church pays attention to explain and present in the light of the Manifestation of God everything what links with a human work. The article analyzes the most vital conclusions which result from social engagement of Catholic Church. Presented article shows the matter of work in the light of current challenges such as: eradication, consumerism and mainly the appearance of technological paradigm’s primacy in contemporary culture. In this context the article is an attempt to answer the question, what is dogmatic value of human work in life which is overran by technology. In order to answer that question the Author of the article refers to axiological Trinitarian paradigm’s dimension, preached by Catholic Church. The innovativeness of presented article relies on showing axiological dogmatic Trinitarian’s dimension in perspective of human work in the age of technological paradigm’s primacy.
Ostatnią fazą przygotowań do przeżywania przez Kościół Wielkiego Jubileuszu Chrześcijaństwa było ogłoszenie przez Jana Pawła II Roku Boga Ojca. Wydarzenie to stało się impulsem do refleksji na temat Pierwszej Osoby Trójcy Świętej. Nie sposób bowiem zrozumieć tego, kim jest Bóg dla człowieka, jeśli nie postawi się w centrum pytania o to, kim jest Ojciec Jezusa Chrystusa.
This article presents patrylogical elements of two contemporary, outstanding theologians: Jean Galot and Bruno Forte. According to Galot, God the Father is personally involved in Christ’s salvation work. In Galot’s theology, Father is no longer a distant and abstract being, but He fully participates in his Christs’ s actions. Following this theory, we can speak of God as someone compassionate and emphathecic who accompanies in His Son’s suffering and death and the same expresses his parental love. Bruno Forte went one step further in his Trinitarian thought and presented God the Father as the source and the bosom of nature. Only in such a way God is present in our history. We can experience this misterious presence of biblical God in His silence. According to Forte, only the Word of God and Jesus Christ can lead us straight to God’s Silencethe Father. Only by experiencing God’s Silence, a man can find the source and aim of his existence. This article also presents and develops Forte’s theological esthetics, based on patrylogical elements. Italian theologian develops Christian theology, which presents Christ in Fullness of a complete human being, who share one divine essence. However, this article presents the outline of patrylogical aesthetics. Starting from the methodological side, we can observe extrapolation of Christological tenets, while simultaneously maintaining the reversal of relatioship.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 8
issue 2
Potocznie przyjęło się traktować piękno jako wartość artystyczną, wydaną wyłącznie na żywioł sztuki. Podczas gdy jest ono drogą do jedności tak powszechnej, że obejmuje wszystko, ma charakter absolutnie powszechny. Nie ma bowiem aspektu życia, który nie byłby objęty zbawczym działaniem piękna. Nawet grzech naruszający harmonię i wprowadzający rozłam tam, gdzie panowała dotychczas jedność, nie może ostatecznie pokonać porządku, który zachwyca swym blaskiem. Piękno jest drogą do jedności absolutnej, ale nie totalizującej, czyli takiej, która uznaje i chroni poszczególne części tej całości. Jest ono słowem Słowa, trynitarnym blaskiem człowieczeństwa Logosu. Jeśli bowiem fundamentem człowieczeństwa w Bogu jest Słowo, to Jego pierwszym słowem skierowanym do ludzi jest trynitarne pię kno. Bóg w tym słowie daje człowiekowi najdoskonalszy paradygmat jedności.
The subject ofthese considerationswill be the problemof beauty initsTrinitarian perspective and in the context ofthe symbolic theology of Brunon Forte, which providesthe appropriate toolstoexplorethi s issue. This article presents the beauty of the Father, who is the beginning without the beginning of the other divine persons, who eternally come from Him. The Father eternally begotten the Son and on the foundation on His relationship with Him, He creates the universe. In this way, by giving up being everything, God the Father becomes the beginning of harmony whose light reveals everlasting beauty. In turn, by the act of the Incarnation, the Son of God enables intra-Trinitarian harmony to reveal in the space of creation, which is wounded by sin. In Christ,it becomes possible tocompletethe unification ofsinful humanitywith the mercifulGod. Heis thereforethe only way tounity, reflecting theunityof the Trinity. Holy Spirit also builds the unity of both the Trinity and ecclesial space. For he is the bond of love between the Father and the Son; Their communion open to others. Thanks to that, he may serve a similar function in the community of the Church as he serves in the Trinity - uniting people. All this allows one to consider beauty as a beautifully mysterious attribute of God, manifested in the light of unity, which dominates in the Trinitarian relations. By the act of the Incarnation, this unity is shared by humanity.
The article is an attempt to answer the question about the importance of populism in contemporary reflection on security in its broadest sense. The author of these analyses tries to find the reasons for the growing populist trend, which occurs not only in the political dimension, but permeates almost all social life. In the context of such a goal, the connection between populism and ideology and nihilism is shown. As a consequence of the methodological principles adopted, two types of populism were distinguished: ideological and nihilistic. Ideological populism is characterized by a high degree of indeterminacy and makes far-reaching simplifications and generalisations. In this perspective, the enemies of the people are both newcomers, strangers, immigrants, as well as sexual, ethnic and other minorities.Nihilist populism is more depressing. It is based on the recognition of fragmentation as a basic indicator of values. The individual, detached from the wider background, is in a way the programme of populism understood in this way. A simple consequence of nihilistic populism is the uprooting of the individual, which results in consumerist attitudes. In this sense, one can say that nihilistic populism is aimed at justifying consumptionism, i.e. it provides an ideological foundation for the carefree use of material goods.
Świat i Słowo
vol. 14
issue (2) 27
The article is an attempt to find the sphere of sacrum in the poetry of Tadeusz Różewicz. As it is commonly known, Tadeusz Różewicz was an atheist; however, it paradoxically does not exclude the presence of the aforementioned element in his literary output. The research has led to Różewicz’s alleged nihilism (the allegation of nihilism is made against Różewicz especially by the catholic critics). However, it turns out that Różewicz cannot be regarded as a nihilistic poet. It is proved if only by the fact that throughout all his life he searched for a new form of poetry, which was to overcome the nothingness found in contemporary culture. In other words, Różewicz comes to nihilism only to find the true value of culture. Simi- larly, in religious sphere Różewicz portends atheism and the death of God only to find Him in silence. The sphere of sacrum that is being looked for can be found in the experience of the silence of God. Therefore, we do have a double paradox in Różewicz’s poetry. On the one hand, he rejects contemporary culture to find it again in the new conceptualization of his poetry. On the other hand, Różewicz rejects God, so that he can find His trace in the experience of the death and silence of the Absolute.
The article presents the theological dimension of Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita. The main theological theme of the novel is the hope of universal salvation. It is present and strongly influential in the culture under the influence of Orthodox thought. Other theological themes of the novel are also connected with the hope of universal salvation. The love of the Master and Margarita is deeply rooted in the universal salvific will of the Maker and it turns out to be stronger than hell. Particular attention should be also paid to the way Bulgakov understands his story, which according to him is not a closed collection of facts, but a process open to transcendence. Man immersed in this meta-story becomes its active co-creator. What has been mentioned leads to the conclusion that Bulgakov’s novel should be regarded to be a work highly rich in theological thought. It could be even boldly stated that without the knowledge of the theological dimension, the novel of the Russian writer could not be fully and properly understood.
Polonia Journal
issue 7
Prezentowany artykuł jest próbą ukazania kompatybilności współczesnej czeskiej myśli chrześcijańskiej z wybranymi elementami nauczania Kościoła katolickiego dotyczącymi relacji zarządzania do pracy. Wybrano dwie zasady wprowadzone do nauczania Magisterium przez papieża Franciszka. Chodzi o zasadę nawrócenia ekologicznego oraz prymatu czasu nad przestrzenią. Autor artykułu nie ograniczył się tylko do streszczenia owych elementów, ale powiązali je z problemem zarządzania pracą. Jest to temat znany teologii jednak nowe elementy wprowadzone przez papieża Franciszka rzucają nieco inne światło na zagadnienie władzy i pracy. Poza tym walorem artykułu jest to, że nowe elementy nauczania Magisterium Kościoła Katolickiego ukazane są we współczesnym kontekście myśli czeskiej, której reprezentantem jest Tomas Halik.
The presented article is an attempt to show the compatibility of modern Czech Christian thought with selected elements of the teaching of the Catholic Church regarding the relationship between management and work. Two principles were chosen for the teaching of the Magisterium by Pope Francis. It’s about the principle of ecological conversion and the primacy of time over space. The author of the article did not limit themselves to the summary of these elements, but related them to the problem of work management. This is a topic known to theology, but the new elements introduced by Pope Francis cast a slightly different light on the issue of management and work. In addition, the value of the article is that the new elements of the teaching of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church are shown in the contemporary context of Czech thought, represented by Tomas Halik.
Polonia Journal
issue 7
Prezentowany artykuł ukazuje problem zdobywania poczucia bezpieczeństwa w myśli czeskiego myśliciela T. Halika. Jest to złożone zagadnienie, ponieważ Halik sprzeciwia się standardowemu postrzeganiu tego problemu. Dla niego bezpieczeństwo nie jest stanem braku zagrożenia, ale przytomnym i odważnym stawianiem czoła trudnościom. Bycie czujnym i otwartym na transcendencje wymaga poświęcenia, ale przynosi owoce w postaci stopniowego odnajdywania pełni życia. Autentyczne życie obecne jest w przytomnym, ale również otwartym na transcendencje sposobie egzystowania, co zbliża T. Halika do filozofów poszukujących ludzkiej głębi. Zaletą artykułu jest ukazanie omawianego problemu w kompleksowym ujęciu, które uwzględnia wymiar teologiczny, filozoficzny, oraz psychologiczny. Autor artykułu odwołuje się również do tych myślicieli, którzy inspirowali T. Halika. Wśród nich warto wymienić Józefa Tischnera, Emmanuela Levinasa, Friedricha Nietzschego, Martina Bubera, czy Zygmunta Freuda.
The presented article shows the problem of acquiring a sense of security in philosophy of the Czech thinker T. Halik. This is a complex issue because T. Halik is opposed to the standard perception of this problem. For him, security is not a state of no threat, but a conscious and courageous face to face difficulties. Being vigilant and open to transcendental requires sacrifice, but it brings fruit in the form of gradually finding the fullness of life. Authentic life is present in a conscious, but also open to transcendence way of existence, which brings Halik closer to philosophers seeking human depth. The main advantage of the article is the presentation of the discussed problem in a comprehensive approach, which takes into account the theological, philosophical and psychological dimensions. The author of the article also refers to those thinkers who inspired T. Halik. These include Józef Tischner, Emmanuel Levinas, Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Buber and Zygmunt Freud.
Polonia Journal
issue 8
Artykuł prezentuje ekstrapolację norwidowskiej krytyki mesjanizmu w pismach polskiego filozofa Józefa Tischnera. Cyprian Norwid w zdecydowany sposób sprzeciwiał się religijności opartej na dominacji wyobraźni. Widział w polskim mesjanizmie przede wszystkim zagrożenie. Sam opowiadał się za wizją religii i jej celów w optyce odpowiadającej epoce współczesnej. Józef Tischner dokonał analizy polskich przemian ustrojowych w kluczu mesjanistycznych zagrożeń, płynących głównie z religijnych środowisk inteligencji. Polski Filozof wskazał również na sposoby pokonania zaistniałych zagrożeń. Pozostawał w tym działaniu pod dużym wpływem Cypriana Norwida. Artykuł ukazuje zatem proces uaktualnienia religijno-politycznej myśli norwidowskiej na przełomie XX wieku.
The article presents an extrapolation of the criticism of messianism made by Norwid in the writings of Polish philosopher Józef Tischner. Cyprian Norwid strongly opposed the religiosity based on the dominance of the imagination. He saw the threat in Polish messianism. He himself was in favor of the vision of religion and its goals in optics corresponding to the modern era. Józef Tischner analyzed the Polish political transformations in the key of messianic threats stemming mainly from religious environments of the intelligentsia. The Polish Philosopher also pointed out ways to overcome the existing threats. He remained in this operation under the influence of Cyprian Norwid. The article, therefore, presents the process of updating the religious-political thought of the Norwid at the turn of the 20th century.
The presented article is an attempt to show the relationship between the emerging new forms of spirituality and the threat of sects. The authors analyze the contemporary cultural context in terms of widely understood spirituality. They then come to the conclusion that subjectivization of religion leads to destabilization of the religious life of a given community and gives rise to possibilities of abuse in the religious space. At the same time, the authors are aware of the urgent need to free religion from ossification, passivity, the feeling of siege, excessive institutionalisation. However, they want to draw attention to the dangers resulting from the simplification that is increasingly being heard, which can be formulated as follows: Let us move religion into the private sphere, and the problems of religious conflicts and abuses connected with spiritual life will end. The authors draw attention to the fact that the problem is much more complex and requires coordinated action on religious security.
The presented article is an attempt to show the application of Positive Discipline in solving the problem of aggression among children and young people. The author presents the definition, sources, forms of aggression and refers to the ICD-10 classification. Further on, the article presents the method of Positive Discipline, which, according to the author, can contribute to the reduction of aggression among the young generation. These principles were introduced to psychology by Alfred Adler. Then they were applied in the Positive Discipline method developed by Jane Nelsen. The author not only presented the possibility of using modern educational methods to combat the threats of the modern world, but also made a substantive assessment of one of these methods. It is the Positive Discipline, which meets the necessary criteria to effectively reduce aggression among children and youth.
This article is the beginning of research on the issue of emigration. It is here to investigate the state of faith of Poles living in London. For this purpose, the authors have analyzed the religious situation of London. So they made a spiritual map of the capital of England. In the rest of the article the theology of the city is analyzed. Contemporary cities are carriers of new theological content and the requirements to work out new paradigms. The elaboration of theology of the city will allow to properly illustrate the problem of the faith of Polish Catholics living in London. The authors of the article, using the elements of theology of city, briefly presented the purpose of the research, the method and the expected results of the research. The article can therefore be considered as the beginning of research. It is also an incentive for other researchers.
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