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With the end of the 1940s it occurred that relocations had not entirely solved the problem of the presence of German population in Poland since it had become essential that keeping c. two hun-dred thousand Germans was necessary for Polish economy. As a result, the question of solving several issues relating to their functioning in Poland appeared. However, it was the change in the international situation which had direct influence on the policy change towards this population − the creation of an allied German country (GDR) and the signing of the Treaty of Görlitz. Of importance were also soviet influences − adopting soviet ethnic policy patterns. Polish new policy’s main goal was to integrate German population with Polish society. During its realization the question of “class” was stressed and political indoctrination was carried out, with the aspect of nationality being deliberately omitted. In order to achieve the goal, attempts were made to enable German people to join labor unions, PZPR (Polish United Workers’ Party), ZMP (Union of Polish Youth) and other organizations. However, Germans felt these actions lacked emphasis on the ques-tion of their nationality, and were put off by a high degree of politicization of the issue. Another considerable problem was local authorities’ mistrust towards German population, as well as their reluctance to implement the guidelines of the policy of integration. While assessing this policy one needs to notice that it caused a considerable improvement of German population’s situation in Poland. Germans were given the opportunity to gain Polish citizenship. In order to keep the remaining Germans in Poland, authorities took action to make their living standards equal with those of Poles. `e appearance of German schooling, as well as cultural and publishing activities were permitted. However, these concessions did not manage to change the attitude of German population towards Polish authorities and the communist political system. Majority of Germans intended to leave Poland as soon as possible, regardless of any efforts on the part of the authorities. Hence, this policy was foredoomed to failure.
Obozy dla ludności niemieckiej tworzone w Polsce po II wojnie światowej pełniły wiele funkcji, ale w większości odpowiadały one podstawowym celom ówczesnej polskiej polityki wobec tej ludności. Miały one pomóc w usunięciu Niemców z Polski, a do tego czasu wykorzystać ich jako tanią siłę roboczą oraz przyspieszyć weryfikację i rehabilitację ludności rodzimej. Proces powstawania tych obozów charakteryzował się dużą dowolnością i chaosem organizacyjnym. W związku z tym istniała duża różnorodność w podległości obozów oraz bałagan organizacyjny, co sprzyjało licznym nadużyciom i łamaniu prawa. Obozy te często charakteryzowały się złymi warunkami bytowymi, ciężką pracą oraz surowymi regulaminami, wzorowanymi na regulaminach obozów hitlerowskich, co często przekładało się na dużą śmiertelność, której skalę trudno jest jednak dzisiaj ustalić.
German population camps formed in Poland after the Second World War served many functions, yet they mainly reflected the attitude and goals Polish authorities had towards this community. They were aimed at helping to remove Germans from Poland, using them, in the meantime, as cheap workforce; and speeding up the verification and rehabilitation of native population. Organizational chaos and latitude were the major features accompanying their creation. This led to considerable diversity in the camps’ dependence, and organizational mess, which created conditions for numerous abuses and law violations. The camps were often characterized by poor living conditions, hard work and severe regulations, modeled after Nazi camps, which resulted in high mortality (the scale of which is difficult to assess today).
W latach 1945-1949 ludność niemiecka w Polsce była traktowana jako bezpaństwowcy, przeznaczeni do wysiedlenia do radzieckiej lub brytyjskiej strefy okupacyjnej. Z tego też powodu, ludność ta nie posiadała wówczas żadnych praw obywatelskich. Pozbawiono ich także majątku oraz objęto obowiązkiem pracy. Przy wypłacie pracownikowi niemieckiemu potrącono 25% – 35% zarobku na cele odbudowy kraju. Wskutek tego Niemcy w Polsce zmagali się trudnymi warunkami bytowymi. Zły stan sanitarny i słaba aprowizacja powodowały nasilenie epidemii chorób zakaźnych. Znaczna część Niemców była przetrzymywana w obozach, gdzie panowały fatalne warunki, i w których dochodziło do licznych nadużyć.
In years 1945- 1949 the German population was treated in Poland as the stateless and intended to be displaced onto the Russian or British occupation region. Thus, the population did not have any civil rights. It was also deprived of its fortune and obliged to compulsory work. For the purposes of the country reconstruction 25%- 35% was withheld out of a German worker’s salary on the payment day. Consequently, the Germans living in Poland coped with diffi cult living conditions. The poor sanitary conditions together with poor victualling led to the intensifi cation of infectious diseases. The considerate part of German citizens was detained in camps where terrible conditions prevailed and numerous abuses and deaths among the prisoners occurred
After the Second World War Polish authorities denied permission for the functioning of organizations of the German population. The events of 1956 brought a change of this policy. The first and only legal organization of the German minority in the Polish People's Republic in those times was Niemieckie Towarzystwo Spoleczno-Kulturalne (the German Socio-Cultural Society) founded in 1957. It was allowed to operate only on the area of Lower Silesia, a region where the existence of the German population was recognized by the Polish state. The Society's statutory mission was to conduct cultural-educational activity and to represent the needs of the German community. In the 1960s, along with a change of the official policy towards the German minority, the tasks of the NTSK also evolved and its activity was to a greater extent controlled by the Ministry of the Interior. In that period the Society was primarily expected to implement in the German milieu the principles of the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR) and the government. Following the establishment of diplomatic relations with the FRG at the beginning of the 1970s, Polish authorities feared that the Society would be prone to West German influences so measures were taken to curb its activity and eventually lead to its self-suppression. As a way of implementing the above mentioned policy, in 1977 the Society was assigned a custodian, and after the imposition of the martial law its activity was suspended and never resumed.
W podpisanych przez Polskę w pierwszej połowie lat 90. XX w. umowach o przyjaznej współpracy ze wszystkim jej sąsiadami zamieszczono klauzule dotyczące praw mniejszości. Zapisy tych układów gwarantują prawa Pola ków w tych krajach i przedstawicieli tych narodowości (odpowiednich mniejszości narodowych) w Polsce oraz dają prawo do swobodnego kontaktu z rodakami w kraju zamieszkania i za granicą. Zasadą podstawową w analizowanych traktatach jest uznanie, że przynależność do mniejszości jest sprawą indywidualnego wyboru osoby i nie mogą z dokonania takiego wyboru wynikać żadne niekorzystne dla niej następstwa. Klauzule te zawierają przede wszystkim prawa takich osób do uczenia się języka ojczystego i w języku ojczystym oraz posługiwania się tym językiem w życiu prywatnym i publicznie. Zawierają także gwarancje swobody tworzenia własnych organizacji oraz wolność wyznawania i praktykowania swojej religii. Mając na uwadze zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa, w traktatach szczególnie akce ntowano sprawę lojalności osób należących do mniejszości narodowych wobec państwa zamieszkania oraz gwarancje ze strony t ego państwa zapewnienia takim osobom ochrony ich praw na równi z pozostałymi obywatelami. Podstawą dla wszys tkich analizowanych klauzul była ich zgodność ze standardami międzynarodowymi dotyczącymi mniejszości. Polska, przyjmując nowy status prawny mniejszości zawarty w analizowanych umowach, podkreślała zerwanie z polityką dyskryminacji i przyjęcie polityki otwartości i akceptacji mniejszości. Prawa mniejszości zawarte w analizowanych w niniejszym artykule traktatach wyznaczały również kierunek zmian w polskim prawie wewnętrznym dostosowujących je do standardów międzynarodowych w tym zakresie.
Agreements on friendly cooperation with all neighbors signed by Poland in the first half of the 1990s contain a clause on the rights of minorities. The regulations of these agreements guarantee the rights of Poles residing in these countries and the rights of the representatives of these nationalities (proper national minorities) in Poland and give right to free contact with their compatriots in their country of residence and abroad. The basic principle in these treaties is the recognition that the membership of a minority is an question of the individual choice of a person and from this choice no adverse results may occur. These clauses contain, first of all, the rights of those people to learn their native language and to use their language in private and public life. They also contain the guarantees of the freedom of formation their own organizations and freedom in practicing their religions. Taking into consideration providing security a great attention in the treaties is also put on the issue of the loyalty of people belonging to national minorities in relation to their country of residence and on guarantees from the part of this country for providing such people the protection of their rights in the same way as for other citizens. The basis for all analyzed here clauses was their conformity to the international standards concerning minorities. Poland, in adopting a new legal status of a minority included in the analyzed agreements, emphasized the breaking with the policy of discrimination and adoption of the open access policy and the acceptance of minorities. The rights of minorities included in the analyzed treaties marked also a direction in Polish internal law, adapting it to international standards in this scope.
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