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Within the set of principles of agricultural law there can be distinguished those that are directly or indirectly empowered in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The outcome of analyzing them according to this criterion may serve as contribution to better systematize these principles and to determine the extent of their consistency with the socio–economic model of the system. It also appears that the results of in–depth research of this issue could become useful in the determination of the constitutional norm for controlling legal solutions applicable to the existing provisions of agricultural law. As a result of the analysis conducted, it can be assessed that the principles of agricultural law proposed by P. Czechowski and A. Lichorowicz have multifaceted empowerment in the provisions of the Constitution, which allows to better understand and more fully define them. The only principle of a constitutional status, regarding the family farm as the basis of the agricultural system, for its greater usefulness, requires a wider application on the basis of ordinary laws. It seems that it is the requirement of the times to take a new, slightly more comprehensive, look at the principles of agricultural law and to cogitate on establishing new ones, particularly in the light of the experience of almost a decade of the Polish membership in the European Union and more than fifteen years of the Constitution of 1997.
On 14 April 2016, the Polish Parliament adopted the Act on suspending the sales of properties from the Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury and amending several other acts. By doing so, it decided to materially amend the Act on shaping of the agricultural system of 11 April 2003 that had been effective by that time, by founding a new, strict regime of trading in agricultural property in Poland that came into force as of 30 April 2016. Already upon drafting the new legal solutions, a number of remarks and reservations were made in the public debate and during the consultation process. It was pointed out that once it becomes effective, the bill considered by the Parliament would actually “freeze” agricultural property transactions in Poland, become a threat to execution of the right to inherit, and undermine the right ongoing interests initiated by law entities. These were some of the reasons why, in the course of legislative proceedings, the legislator decided to apply exclusions from the new legal regulations concerning trading in agricultural property. The objective of this article is to identify and characterise selected exclusions applied by the legislator, as well as to explain uncertainties related to interpretation with regards to legal norm hypotheses that specify the application scope of the implemented legal solutions.
Uchwalając ustawę z dnia 14 kwietnia 2016 r. o wstrzymaniu sprzedaży nieruchomości Zasobu Własności Rolnej Skarbu Państwa oraz o zmianie niektórych innych ustaw, parlament zdecydował o wprowadzeniu do dotychczas obowiązującej regulacji – ustawy z dnia 11 kwietnia 2003 r. o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego – istotnych zmian, ustanawiających z dniem 30 kwietnia 2016 r. nowy, rygorystyczny reżim obrotu nieruchomościami rolnymi w Polsce. Jeszcze na etapie projektowania nowych rozwiązań prawnych dochodziło w debacie publicznej oraz w procesie konsultacji do zgłaszania uwag i zastrzeżeń, ze wskazaniem, że procedowany w parlamencie projekt ustawy po wejściu w życie „zamrozi” w istocie obrót nieruchomościami rolnymi w Polsce, zagrozi realizacji prawa dziedziczenia i zniweczy słuszne interesy w toku, podjęte przez podmioty prawa. Między innymi z tych względów ustawodawca w trakcie postępowania legislacyjnego zdecydował się na zastosowanie wyłączeń spod nowych zasad obrotu gruntami rolnymi. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i charakterystyka zastosowanych przez ustawodawcę wybranych wyłączeń oraz próba wyjaśnienia wątpliwości wykładniczych dotyczących hipotez norm prawnych określających zakres stosowania wprowadzonych rozwiązań prawnych.
In this paper, an abuse of law committed by a CAP beneficiary who has created ‘artificial conditions’ is analysed in light of judgments delivered by the ECJ and Polish common courts. In the author’s opinion the analysed legal regulation lacks precision and may, in consequence, lead to the violation of the principle of citizen’s confidence in the state provided in Article 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland.
L’oggetto dell’analisi è la costruzione dell’abuso del diritto sotto forma di clausola di “creazione delle condizioni artificiali” da parte del beneficiario della Politica Agricola Comune alla luce delle pronunce della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione Europea e dei tribu-nali nazionali polacchi. È stato stabilito che la concezione di creazione delle condizioni artificiali richiede la distinzione di tre elementi: a) un elemento oggettivo, inteso come il non svolgimento dell’attività a scopo economico, così come esso è stato determinato nel sistema di sostegno europeo, ma soltanto al fine di ottenere l’aiuto finanziario legato a tale attività previsto nel bilancio dell’UE; b) un elemento soggettivo, cioè la dimostrazione da parte del beneficiario che voleva svolgere l’attività solamente al fine di ottenere i benefici finanziari divergenti dall’obiettivo della legislazione dell’UE; c) e un elemento del diritto procedurale il quale riguarda l’onere della prova che incombe su un ente amministrativo nazionale competente. In conclusione, l’autore afferma che la regolazione giuridica sottoposta all’analisi è poco precisa, il che costituisce un pericolo di violazione del principio di fiducia del cittadino nei confronti dello Stato e per la sicurezza della circolazione delle merci ai sensi dell’art. 2 della Costituzione della Repubblica Polacca
La risoluzione del Parlamento europeo del 29 maggio 2018 sull'attuazione degli strumenti della PAC a favore dei giovani agricoltori nell'UE dopo la riforma del 2013 richiama l'attenzione degli organi dell'UE e delle istituzioni europee, nonché dei governi degli Stati membri, su un problema fondamentale che riguarda una adeguata formazione e salvaguardia riguardo alla posizione dei giovani agricoltori all’interno della legislazione dell’UE e delle regolazioni nazionali. L'articolo, oltre a spiegare le ragioni per le quali la risoluzione è stata adottata, presenta anche le raccomandazioni rivolte al Consiglio, alla Commissione europea, alla Corte dei conti, nonché ai governi e ai parlamenti degli Stati membri. Inoltre, l'autore analizza gli strumenti di sostegno a favore dei giovani agricoltori, adottati in Polonia, i quali favoriscono il ricambio generazionale nelle zone rurali. Nella parte conclusiva, è stato appurato che le soluzioni giuridiche adottate siano inefficaci, mentre il loro carattere è frammentario e non complementare.
The European Parliament Resolution of 29 May 2018 on the implementation in the EU of CAP tools for young farmers after the 2013 reform draws the attention of EU bodies and European institutions as well as the governments of the Member States to the significant problem of adequate forms and safeguards for the position of young farmers provided for in EU legislation and national regulations. The article presents the reasons for the adoption of the resolution and the recommendations addressed to the Council, the European Commission, the Court of Auditors and the governments and parliaments of the Member States. An analysis of the instruments developed to support young farmers in Poland and facilitate a generational change in rural areas was conducted and it has been found that despite certain unquestionable achievements to date, Polish legal solutions are still largely ineffective, fragmentary and incomplete.
Rezolucja Parlamentu Europejskiego z 29 maja 2018 r. w sprawie wdrażania narzędzi WPR dla młodych rolników w UE po reformie z 2013 r. zwraca uwagę unijnych organów i europejskich instytucji, a także rządów państw członkowskich, na istotną potrzebę należytego ukształtowania i zabezpieczenia pozycji młodych rolników w unijnym prawodawstwie oraz w regulacjach krajowych. W artykule zostały zaprezentowane motywy przyjęcia tej rezolucji oraz zalecenia skierowane do Rady, Komisji Europejskiej, Trybunału Obrachunkowego, a także rządów i parlamentów państw członkowskich. Autor przeprowadził analizę stosowanych w Polsce instrumentów wsparcia młodych rolników, sprzyjających przemianom pokoleniowym na obszarach wiejskich. W podsumowaniu sformułował twierdzenie, że dotychczasowa krajowa polityka, kreująca system wsparcia młodych rolników, mimo niewątpliwych osiągnięć, może być w wielu aspektach uważana za nieefektywną, a stosowane rozwiązania prawne uznawane za fragmentaryczne i wobec siebie niekomplementarne.
L’articolo si propone di esaminare il problema di tutela della proprietà agricola alla luce della legge sul regime agricolo dell’11 aprile 2003, incluse le revisioni del 2016 e del 2019. Secondo l’autore, le disposizioni ivi contenute, intese a proteggere la proprietà agricola, dovrebbero essere interpretate alla luce dei principi derivati dall’art. 23 della Costituzione polacca e attraverso il prisma di intenzioni ivi espresse nel preambolo. Tuttavia, a suo parere, gli strumenti, derivanti dalla legge menzionata, si prestano più che altro a regolare la compravendita di fondi agricoli e a far esercitare i poteri dello Stato, nell’ambito dell’acquisizione della proprietà di terreni agricoli da soggetti privati. In conclusione, afferma che la “azienda di famiglia”, così come definita nella legge riportata, non corrisponde, nella forma normativa acquisita, al modello costituzionale, e la tutela giuridica ad essa concessa è del tutto apparente e inefficace.
The purpose of the deliberations presented in this article is to assess the protection of agricultural property in the light of the Act of 11 April 2003 on shaping the agricultural system, taking into account its amendments of 2016 and 2019. In the author’s opinion, the provisions of this Act that serve the purpose of the protection of agricultural property should be interpreted in the light of the principles derived from Article 23 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and from the perspective of the intentions expressed in the preamble to this Act. However, the instruments contained therein serve mainly to regulate trading in agricultural property and to exercise the powers of the state acting with the help of a trustee in the dominium sphere, acquiring the ownership of agricultural land from private entities. It is therefore concluded that the “family holding” defined in the Act does not correspond in its normative form to the constitutional model, and the statutory protection granted to it is only apparent and ineffective.
Celem rozważań jest ocena ochrony własności rolniczej w świetle ustawy z 11 kwietnia 2003 r. o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego, z uwzględnieniem jej nowelizacji z 2016 i 2019 r. Zdaniem autora przepisy tej ustawy, jako służące z założenia ochronie własności rolniczej, powinny być interpretowane w świetle zasad wywodzonych z art. 23 Konstytucji RP oraz przez pryzmat intencji wyrażonych w preambule tego aktu. Ocenia on jednak, że instrumenty w niej zawarte służą głównie reglamentacji obrotu nieruchomościami rolnymi oraz realizacji uprawnień państwa, działającego za pomocą powiernika w sferze dominium, w zakresie nabywania od podmiotów prywatnych prawa własności gruntów rolnych. W konkluzji stwierdza, że zdefiniowane w ustawie „gospodarstwo rodzinne” nie odpowiada w swej normatywnej postaci modelowi konstytucyjnemu, a ustawowa ochrona mu udzielana jest pozorna i nieskuteczna.
From 2015 onwards, there will be a new legal category – ‘an active farmer’ defined in the regulations developed under the Common Agricultural Policy. The establishment of that concept and its definition aims to restrict access to direct payments and certain other payments available under the Rural Development Programme funds. A farmer undertaking an agricultural activity on at least one hectare of agricultural land will no longer, under the new regulation, be eligible for payment if he also undertakes another business activity and fails to demonstrate that that activity is of marginal proportion, or that his main activity is indeed agricultural activity. These changes should be positively assessed as the existing system of payments from EU funds enabled automatic payments to entities who were not intended to be beneficiaries, such as national parks, recreational grounds, flying clubs, hunting clubs, schools etc.
A partire dal 2015 tra le regolazioni previste nell’ambito della Politica Agricola Comune (PAC) è stata introdotta una nuova categoria giuridica – “agricoltore professionalmente attivo”. La creazione e definizione di questo concetto mira a limitare il verificarsi di gran lunga troppo ampio accesso ai pagamenti diretti e ad alcuni pagamenti effettuati nell'ambito del Programma di Sviluppo Rurale. L’attuale beneficiario – agricoltore, al tempo stesso usufruttuario di almeno un ettaro di terreno agricolo e impegnato in attività agricole, non riceverà più il pagamento, se al tempo stesso svolge una’attività economica e non adempie all’obbligo di dimostrare che essa sia marginale oppure che l’attività economica principale da esso svolta o il suo oggetto sociale sia l’esercizio di un’attività agric-ola. Le modifiche introdotte dovrebbero essere valutate positivamente. L’automatismo finora applicato nell’ottenere i pagamenti da parte dei soggetti non agricoli (p.es. aeroclub, parchi nazionali, circoli di caccia, club sportivi, atenei scolastici e universitari) costituiva una pratica degna di critica e i fondi dell’Unione europea non venivano destinati agli scopi ai quali dovevano concorrere.
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Ubezpieczenie wypadków przy pracy rolniczej

Problematyka wypadków przy pracy rolniczej zawiera wiele problemów interpretacyjnych. Począwszy od 1 stycznia 1999 roku KRUS realizuje ubezpieczenia chorobowe, wypadkowe, macierzyńskie. W ramach tego ubezpieczenia ochroną ubezpieczeniową objęte są wypadki przy pracy rolniczej oraz choroby zawodowe osób ubezpieczonych w systemie ubezpieczenia społecznego rolników. W artykule podjęto próbę oceny występowania wypadków przy pracy rolniczej.
Issues of accidents in agricultural work contains a lot of interpretative problems. Starting from 1 January 1999 the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund is carrying out insurances against accidents motherhood, and sickness. As part of this, accidents at work are provided with insurance protection as well as agricultural and industrial diseases of people insured with in the system of the national retirement insurance of farmers. In the article an attempt at the evaluation of the appeariance of accidents in agricultural work has been taken.
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