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Forum Poetyki
issue 1
The text is a critical discussion of Terry Eagleton's book How to Read Literature. The author, trying to maintain the ironic tone of the English theorist's argument, presents the successive parts of the dissertation, inscribing them into the contemporary areas of literary studies. The discussion emphasizes the important values of Eagleton's work and provocatively argues with doubtful moments.
Tekst jest krytycznym omówieniem książki Terry’ego Eagletona Jak czytać literaturę. Autor, starając się utrzymać ironiczny ton wywodu angielskiego teoretyka, prezentuje kolejne części omawianej rozprawy, wpisując je we współczesne obszary literaturoznawczej refleksji. Omówienie podkreśla istotne walory pracy Eagletona i prowokacyjnie polemizuje z momentami wątpliwymi.
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Detail and reading

This theoretical article discusses how the detail may function in the text and what reading strategies it calls for. The article aims to present a model of a counter-text, which exists, as if, alternatively to the text proper – it emerges when the reader examines the textual details and the contexts they open.
Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczny i prezentuje możliwe sposoby funkcjonowania detalu w tekście oraz związane z detalem strategie lekturowe. Jego celem jest też zarysowanie modelu kontr-tekstu, istniejącego niejako obok tekstu właściwego, powstającego w momencie podążania czytelnika za detalem i niesionymi przez niego kontekstami.
The article focuses on the media transformation of literary works. B. Jasieński’s futurist poem Marsz, published in the interwar period in printed form, recently underwent a multimedia adaptation. The author analyzes the mutations the literary text underwent in interpretation and significance when expressed in the new creative forms of contemporary multimedia “language”. The analysis of the formal structure and of several, sometimes small semantic elements, shows the different way of understanding the poem as expressed through new multimedia means. The futurist poem Marsz has been read as an ironical poem, totally contradicting its original literal meaning. The second part of the article examines a digital version of the poem, which again changes its original meaning. At this moment in time, the relationship between the textuality and virtuality of poetry (and literature in general) constitutes the main space where art “happens” and manifests itself. Thus, the discussion over the digital version of Jasieński’s poem leads to some general considerations about contemporary theory of image and its anthropological expressions.
The article is a philippic aimed against so-called ethical criticism and the aesthetic attitude in literary studies. At the same time, however, its purpose is also to defend the autonomy and self-contained value of artistic works, which are devastated by miscellaneous “etisms”. The article fits squarely into the more clearly visible, within literary studies, departure from ethical research and return to the text as such, which stems from the recognition that ethics (in plural, since there is no universal moral philosophy) are, after all, ideologies and, in their logic, only impose stipulated ideas upon others. And this is an extraordinary paradox, when noble assumptions turn out to be inconsistent with their implementations. Surprisingly, with each ethical reading, an artistic text becomes the weaker one, less significant and even unimportant. Naturally, the choice of aesthetics is always subject to accusations. And it may also be considered as an ethical choice, i.e. ideological in its nature. After all, even Malevich’s white square was once regarded as unethical since it was argued that such works, through denial of participation, support power systems which are considered (not for all) to be evil. What can one say to that? Maybe that no case is known when aficionados of abstract painting wished to adapt, forbid, force or impose something upon those who prefer different types of paintings or dislike any kinds of painting at all. The situation is different when it comes to ethicists, as we can see in everyday life. They usually have only one opinion – their own. And therefore, this article is not aimed at imposing anything upon anybody.
Artykuł jest filipiką skierowaną przeciwko tak zwanej krytyce etycznej oraz etycznemu nastawieniu w badaniach literaturoznawczych. Jednocześnie jego celem jest obrona autonomii i samoistnej wartości dzieł artystycznych, dewastowanych przez rozmaite etyzmy. Wpisuje się on w coraz wyraźniejszy we współczesnym literaturoznawstwie odwrót od badań etycznych i powrót do tekstu jako takiego. Jest to wynikiem rozpoznania, że etyki (w liczbie mnogiej, nie ma bowiem etyki uniwersalnej) to ostatecznie ideologie i swej logice są jedynie narzucaniem określonych idei innym. Jest to niesamowity paradoks – szlachetne założenia stają się niezgodne ze swymi realizacjami. Co zaskakujące, w takim, etycznym, odczytaniu każdorazowo tekst artystyczny staje się tym słabszym, mniej istotnym, wręcz – nieważnym. Oczywiście wybór estetyki zawsze jest narażony na zarzuty. Sam może być uznany za wybór etyczny, zatem ideologiczny. W końcu nawet biały kwadrat Malewicza został uznany za nieetyczny, ponieważ takie prace, jak dowodzono, poprzez odmowę uczestnictwa wspierają systemy władzy uznawane przez (nigdy wszystkich) za złe. Co na to można odpowiedzieć? Może to, że nie jest znany przypadek, by zwolennicy malarstwa abstrakcyjnego chcieli tym, którzy wolą malarstwo inne lub nie lubią obrazów w ogóle, coś nakazać, coś zakazać, do czegoś zmusić, coś odrzucić, coś przyjąć. Inaczej – obserwujemy to w codziennym doświadczeniu – z etykami. Ci najczęściej mają jedną rację – swoją. Dlatego ten tekst niczego nikomu narzucić nie pragnie.
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Okamgnienie i ślad

The article contains an analysis of two philosophical concepts of trace and the blink of an eye. Referring to philosophy (by Derrida, Husserl, Harman, Heidegger, Ricoeur and Tylor), the author interprets the theme terms, confronting them against the thought within the theory of literature. The purpose is not, however, the indicated values as such, but their interpretative force, aimed at literary works. Texts by Calvin, Jasieński, Macsovszky, Schulz and Tabucchi are read with certain phenomena in mind (the blink of an eye, trace, epiphany and void), and the conclusion emphasises the value of paradoxical thinking.
Artykuł dokonuje analizy dwóch kategorii filozoficznych: śladu i okamgnienia. Odwołując się do filozofii (J. Derridy, E. Husserla, G. Harmana, M. Heideggera, P. Ricouera i Ch. Tylora) autor interpretuje tytułowe pojęcia, zderzając je z myślą teoretycznoliteracką. Celem nie są jednak wskazane jakości same w sobie, lecz ich moc interpretacyjna skierowana na utwory literackie. Lekturze (związanej z okamgnieniością i śladem, epifanią oraz pustką) zostały poddane teksty I. Calvina, B. Jasieńskiego, P. Macsovszky’ego, B. Schulza i A. Tabucchiego. W konkluzji zostaje podkreślona wartość myślenia paradoksalnego.
The author of the article presents the project of August Zamojski, a Polish artist and theoretician of art, who created his own, very modern idea of artistic experience. This project was discussed in the context of mediumistics and in the confrontation with new tendencies within the theory of literature. It is the first so spacious interpretation of this project.
The review of Edward Balcerzan’s work devoted to literatureness focuses on some significant issues within the modern theory of literature: the raison d’etre of certain theoretical categories, the possibility of redefining the structuralist paradigm, and contemporary values of model thinking.
Recenzja pracy Edwarda Balcerzana poświęconej literackości dotyczy ważnych kwestii współczesnej teorii literatury: na ile pewne kategorie teoretyczne wciąż mają rację bytu, czy możliwa jest nowa odsłona paradygmatu strukturalistycznego, jakie są dziś wartości myślenia modelowego?
The article focuses on two purposes. On the one hand, it constitutes an attempt to redefine the genre of historical novel in the circumstances in which the attempts made so far have turned out to be insufficient. The new definition shifts the centre of gravity from structural features (which are impossible to be determined following the experience of the narrativization of history) to the poetics of reception. On the other hand, the article also has its interpretative purpose which entails complicating the results of the analysis through the scrutiny of the chess novel that multiplies the historicity of the literary work and triggers more questions to be raised. Thus, the article aims at an alternative description of historical prose as an important literary experience of today’s world.
Artykuł realizuje dwa cele. Pierwszym z nich jest ponowne zdefiniowanie gatunkowe powieści historycznej w sytuacji, w której dotychczasowe próby opisania tej formy okazują się niewystarczające. Nowa definicja przenosi punkt ciężkości z cech strukturalnych (niemożliwych do ustalenia po doświadczeniu narratywizacji historii) na poetykę odbioru. Cel drugi, interpretacyjny, polega na skomplikowaniu uczynionych rozpoznań poprzez analizę powieści szachowej, która multiplikuje historyczność utworu i zmusza do postawienia innych pytań. Tym samym artykuł zmierza do alternatywnego opisu ważnego dziś doświadczenia literackiego, jakim jest proza historyczna.
The authors of the article, knowing about Wat’s interest in language mechanisms, focus their attention on namopaniki – the genre created by the poet. Arguing with the previous findings which concentrated on the presentation of the properties of semantics of the non-rational futuristic word, they propose an interpretation based on the demonstration of the inner energy of text.
Theoreticians of Literature and Proper Names (Introductory Remarks) The article expands and modifies the contexts in which literary onomastics currently operates. This strictly interdisciplinary field of research, primarily originating from linguistics, has sought out the contexts that triggered non-obvious meanings of names readable in the artistic work from the outset. The references were varied – stylistics, textology, philosophy, structural poetics. All of them significantly enriched onomastic nalyses, leaving some fundamental sense of insufficiency at the same time. That is the reason why we propose the project of the connection between literary onomastics and - now extremely extensive - theoretical thought. The article is not the end of this discussion, but rather an exploratory study and the beginning of scientific research. Consequently, there is no one ordering and chronological concept with a clear conclusion, but the main aim is to show the analysis of the claims relevant for further research. Therefore, several concepts of theoreticians interested in proper names in literature were discussed (far from a common phenomenon in this case). From the research projects analyzed, including among others: U. Eco, J.F. Lyo tard, P. de Man, there emerges a clear conviction of the need to end the search for a referential, texted name. In this place it refers, on the one hand, to itself, establishing its own unreal meaning (image-forming, phonic, intertextual); on the other, it concerns the author’s system of naming (and beyond), which is also an epistemological concept. The starting point of these diagnoses was the thoroughly interpreted self-analysis of artistic works made by Marcel Proust; for further analysis, the thesis of Walter Benn Michaels was also employed, which brings interest in proper names from literature to the domain of artistic experiences. The conducted analysis (designing future literary onomastic research) leads to the final conclusion that the proper name indicates the essence itself, the arche of our existence.
A Name in a Buttonhole - Onymy in Poetic Texts (Based on the Example of Bruno Jasieński’s Poetry)This article addresses the issue of the interpretation of proper names in poetry. The state of research on the functions of proper names in literature is well described, but it is possible to note the lack of a fixed interpretation strategy in poetry which means that, despite little interest in poetry, its researchers often try to propose their own methods of analysis. The authors of the article, who tackle onyms in the poetry of Bruno Jasieński, present their own methodological approach to the matter, based on B. Waldenfels’ concept of the “phenomenology of the alien”.
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