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The model of the official control of food, which covers the objectives, principles and competence of the bodies concerned, is regulated in the European law. The EU member states are obliged to appoint national bodies for official control of food. In the article, the structure of official control of food in Poland is presented. The author discusses the competence of five inspection bodies involved in official food control in Poland, indicating several problems stemming from the fact that their competence is regulated in various legal acts, issued due to their varying objectives and tasks, out of which protection of food safety or quality is, in most cases, only one of several activities. In the opinion of the author, the institutional solutions that are in force in Poland significantly impede the implementation of objectives of official food control set out in the European law.
Beneficiaries of financial support from the Rural Development Programs and applicants for that support are exposed to different types of liability, regulated by both the EU rules (concerning CAP) and local rules. The article presents these kinds of responsibilities and describes their characteristics. The responsibility of key importance is the one incurred under the provisions of EU law. This involves inter alia the obligation to repay the received support and reduction or exclusion from the support. The application of a specific sanction provided for this type of liability is dependent on „size” of the infringement and the degree of culpability; where the least severe sanctions are imposed regardless of fault (objective responsibility). Furthermore, beneficiaries and applicants for support are liable to the penalty provided for by national law. Author concludes that rules of responsibility in the EU legislation concerning the CAP constitute administrative type responsibility, which is not of a criminal nature, and therefore in the light of the ne bis in idem principle, it is acceptable to use to the same person in connection with the same action both responsibilities, like the penalty laid down in EU regulations concerning CAP and criminal penalties provided for in the rules of criminal law.
In accordance with food law liability for defective product is essential to seek damages, in the case of damage caused by the food. In the article the author presents several issues concerning liability for defective food product. Food is characterized by the fact that inappropriate transport or storage conditions may cause the food becomes unsafe at each stage of the food chain. This means that the producer relatively easy may release himself from liability. At the same time, under this regime of liability, any other operator of the food chain is not responsible in that case. Additionally, it is provided for ten year limitation period, starting from the product launch, independent of the point where damage occurs.Moreover, the situation of agricultural producer is unfavorable. Very often it is impossible to detect the dangerous qualities of the unprocessed food. In addition, unprocessed food becomes dangerous due to the circumstances in which the farmer has no impact (e.g. Pollution). The author concludes that the legislator, establishing rules for product liability, has not taken into account the specific features of food product. As the result of the above the protection of the consumer on the basis of this regime of liability is not sufficient but on the other hand the liability of farmer is too strict.
Measures implemented in Poland under the Rural Development Programs (RDP) can significantly contribute to improving the competitiveness of the polish agricultural sector. One of the factors affecting the effective implementation of the RDP are the legal procedures used for the granting of financial support. The article discusses the procedure for granting financial support from RDP adopted in the Polish legislation. The discussion leads to the conclusion that fully justified is the solution in which in some measures the financial support is granted on the basis of an administrative decision, and in another measures on the basis of agreement. The article criticizes the scope of changes to the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure, made for the granting of financial support. The above–mentioned changes on the one hand does not simplify the procedures granting of financial support, and on the other hand, definitely weaken the legal situation of the applicant, which is not justified by the principle of proportionality. The author concludes that the procedures adopted by the Polish legislator are mainly aimed at protecting the financial interests of the EU, but does not take into account the need to support the development of the competitiveness of the Polish agricultural sector.
Multifunctionality of agricultural activity is pointed out, by many years, in the doctrine of agricultural law. There is no doubt, however, that the farmer at any time was, is and will be, primarily a producer of food. Food is in fact a specific type of product, necessary for human existence and conduct of agricultural activities is necessary to the manufacture of food. Aim of article is to clarify concepts of “farmer” and “ food business operator”, which are key issues, in the agricultural and food law. The analysis made in the article allows to identify of borders between these two concepts and to specify relationship between them. Author concludes that the majority of farmers are also food business operators. This means that farmers, irrespective of the size and profile of their activities farming, are required to comply with all requirements of food law, appropriate to the stage of primary food production. Taking into account a wide range of the regulation of food law, it must be underlined, that the legal situation of farmers is shaped to a large extent, by the requirements of food law.
L’articolo si propone di esaminare, nel contesto del principio dell’UE riguardante la libera circolazione dei capitali, i limiti posti ai trasferimenti di immobili agricoli disciplinati nella legge sul regime agricolo dal punto di vista della loro ammissibilità. Nello studio sono stati presentati i fenomeni economici e climatici in atto nel mondo, e in particolare nell’UE, i quali fanno sì che l’introduzione di soluzioni legislative volte a limitare i trasferimenti di immobili agricoli sembri ormai inevitabile. In seguito, è stato discusso il principio dell’UE riguardante la libera circolazione dei capitali, comprese le condizioni secondo le quali si possono ammettere i limiti al principio stesso. Alla luce delle costatazioni formulate, si è proceduto alla valutazione degli strumenti che limitano i suddetti trasferimenti. L’analisi svolta porta a constatare che la maggior parte delle soluzioni adottate riesca a superare il test di giudizio per l’ammissibilità delle restrizioni, sviluppato positivamente nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea, benché alcune di esse sollevino dubbi.
The aim of the considerations was to assess the admissibility of restrictions of trading in agricultural real estate introduced by the Act on shaping the agricultural system in the context of the EU principle of free movement of capital. The article presents the economic and climatic phenomena that have been taking place worldwide and in the European Union in particular, which make the introduction of legal solutions limiting trading in agricultural land inevitable. The EU principle of free movement of capital is discussed, including the premises for the admissibility of restrictions of this principle. In the light of these findings, an assessment of instruments that restrict trading in agricultural real estate has been made. The analysis carried out in the article leads to the conclusion that most of the adopted solutions pass the test of admissibility of introducing restrictions that has been developed in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Some of these restrictions, however, raise doubts.
Celem rozważań jest dokonanie oceny dopuszczalności ograniczeń w obrocie nieruchomościami rolnymi uregulowanych w ustawie o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego w kontekście unijnej zasady swobody przepływu kapitału. W artykule przedstawione zostały zjawiska ekonomiczne i klimatyczne jakie mają miejsce na świecie, a w szczególności w UE, które powodują, że wprowadzanie rozwiązań prawnych ograniczających obrót nieruchomościami wydaje się nieuniknione. Omówiona została unijna zasada swobody przepływu kapitału, w tym przesłanki dopuszczalności ograniczenia tej zasady. W świetle tych ustaleń dokonana została ocena instrumentów, które ograniczają obrót nieruchomościami rolnymi, do których zalicza się przede wszystkim zasada nabywania nieruchomości rolnych przez rolników indywidualnych, zasada nakazująca prowadzenie gospodarstwa rolnego na nabywanej nieruchomości rolnej przez okres 5 lat i wprowadzająca zakaz zbywania nabytej nieruchomości w tym czasie bez uzyskania zgody dyrektora generalnego KOWR oraz prawo pierwokupu i nabycia przysługujące KOWR. Przeprowadzona w artykule analiza prowadzi do wniosku, że większość przyjętych rozwiązań przechodzi pozytywnie wypracowany w orzecznictwie TSUE test dopuszczalności wprowadzania ograniczeń, chociaż niektóre z tych ograniczeń budzą wątpliwości.
L’articolo presenta requisiti generali della legislazione alimentare in materia di informazioni sull’assenza in un alimento di sostanze specifiche. Nella parte conclusiva, l’Autore ha affermato tra l’altro che l’adozione di soluzioni differenziate per determinati tipi di indicazioni (p.es. non contiene zucchero, senza glutine) significa che la politica del legislatore dell’UE nell’ambito discusso non è coerente. Di conseguenza, a causa di norme diversificate, l’interesse del consumatore non è sufficientemente tutelato, il che porta addirittura a “indurlo in errore per legge”. Pertanto, l’Autore postula di unificare le norme in questione.
This article presents general requirements laid down in food law regarding information on the absence of specific substances in food. The author noted, among other things, that the fact that not uniform solutions for certain types of designations (e.g. sugar-free, gluten-free) are adopted demonstrates the lack of a coherent EU legislator’s policy in this area. As a result, the consumer’s interests are not adequately protected. Given the variety of regulations, this leads at times to “statutory misrepresentation.” Hence the call for unification of regulations informing about the absence of specific substances in food.
Recenzja: Antologia polskiej poezji w Szwecji. Głosy poetek, wprowadzenie, wybór, opracowanie Ewa Teodorowicz-Hellman, Stockholm Slavic Papers 29, Stockholms Universitet Institutionen för Slaviska och Baltiska Språk, Finska, Nederlänska och Tyska, 2020, ss. 298.
W tekście pokazano wybrane wizerunki miast włoskich obecnych w powieściach: Hansa Christiana Andersena i Giacomo Carofiglio. Rzym, Neapol, Amalfi, Pompeje, Bari zostały tu odczytane w dwóch perspektywach: bukolicznej i pesymistycznej, co pozwoliło odtworzyć nastawienie autorów do fenomenu kulturowego miasta. Uwyraźniono, iż autorzy piszący w dwóch początkach wieków: XIX (Andersen) i XXI (Carofiglio) – paralelnie czytali miasta Italii poprzez doświadczenia indywidualnej sensualności, wrażliwości, kontemplacji i percepcji. Materiał literaturowy zinterpretowano również w kontekstach filozofii Pascala, Bergsona, Nietzschego oraz Deleuze’a.
The text presents selected images of Italian cities present in the novels of Hans Christian Andersen and Giacomo Carofiglio. Rome, Naples, Amalfi, Pompeii, and Bari were read here from two perspectives: bucolic and pessimistic, which allowed to recreate the authors' attitude towards the cultural phenomenon of the city. It was emphasized that the authors writing in the two early centuries: the nineteenth (Andersen) and the twenty-first (Carofiglio) – read the cities of Italy in parallel through experiences of individual sensuality, sensitivity, contemplation and perception. Literature material was also interpreted in the context of the philosophies of Pascal, Bergson, Nietzsche and Deleuze.
The article displays the changing paradigm of the poetic word in the era of late modernity. In the current cultural moment of the tech-centric era, the word is not as powerful as it was throughout the earlier humanistic heritage and throughout the colossal achievements of human thought. The change I have accentuated here has initiated a major process of transfiguration of the word (not of its depreciation), the multidirectional implication of which is experienced by today’s culture. This article directs thought towards the postmodern linguistic innovation, the effect of which is cybernetic poetry. It captures the development of the innovatory project of the cybernetic “word”, which has now been challenged by traditional poetry. In regard to this matter, today’s definition of a cybernetic poet was presented, along with the video poetry, tangible and visual digital poetry, audio poetry and hypertext poetry created by the poet. The thoughts included in the text erect a quite an intriguing and appealing idea of a precursory and alternative digital alphabet as a composite of ultra-modern poetry.
W artykule ukazano zmieniający się paradygmat słowa poetyckiego w dobie późnej nowoczesności. W obecnym momencie kulturowym, w rzeczywistości technocentrycznej słowo nie znaczy już tyle, ile znaczyło we wcześniejszym dziedzictwie humanistycznym, w kolosalnym dorobku myśli ludzkiej. Zmiana, którą tutaj uwyraźniam, zainicjowała poważny proces transfiguracji słowa (nie jego deprecjacji), którego różnoimiennych implikacji doświadcza dzisiejsza kultura. W niniejszym artykule namysł skierowano na ponowoczesną innowację lingwistyczną, której efektem jest poezja cybernetyczna. Uchwycono rozwój nowatorskiego projektu „słowa” cybernetycznego, wobec którego wyszła naprzeciw poezja tradycyjna. W związku z tym wyjaśniono kim jest dzisiaj poeta cybernetyczny i czym jest tworzona przez niego: wideopoezja, cyfrowa poezja konkretna i wizualna, poezja dźwiękowa oraz poezja hipertekstowa. Z osadzonych w tekście namysłów wyłania się nader intrygująca i pociągająca idea prekursorskiego i alternatywnego alfabetu cyfrowego jako kompozytu poezji ultranowoczesnej.
L’articolo si propone di stabilire in che modo gli obiettivi del diritto alimentare vengano attuati nella regolazione riguardante l’etichettatura degli alimenti e di esaminare, a tal proposito, il rapporto intercorrente tra l’attuazione dei singoli obiettivi. L’autore parte da un abbozzo dei singoli obiettivi del diritto alimentare, per poi abbinare a essi le regolazioni, successivamente discusse, riguardanti l’etichettatura dei prodotti alimentari di carattere generale e specifico, le quali sono finalizzate a raggiungere gli obiettivi richiamati. L’analisi condotta porta alla conclusione che due degli obiettivi del diritto alimentare, ovvero la tutela della salute e della vita, nonché la tutela degli interessi dei consumatori e della correttezza commerciale, sono di prevalenza realizzati dalle disposizioni che definiscono l’ambito obbligatorio delle informazioni fornite sull’etichetta. Inoltre, la tutela dei consumatori è assicurata dalle norme in materia di etichettatura, con il principio fondamentale di non indurre in errore. La tutela dell’ambiente e del benessere animale è, invece, realizzata nell’attuale stato giuridico in misura limitata grazie a regolazioni di carattere specifico. Viste le aspettative dei consumatori in merito all’informazione ambientale e all’informazione riguardante la tutela del benessere animale, si propone di introdurre una regolazione quadro che definisca le regole per l’utilizzo delle dichiarazioni ambientali, analogamente alla regolazione in materia di indicazioni nutrizionali e sulla salute.
The aim of this paper is to determine how the objectives of food law are achieved through the regulation on the labelling of food and to examine the relationship occurring between the achievement of the general objectives of food law and the particular objectives of the food labelling regulation. Having outlined the particular objectives of food law first, the author assigned to them general and detailed regulations governing the labelling of food and aimed at the achievement of particular objectives. These regulations are subsequently discussed. Their analysis leads to a conclusion that two of the objectives of food law, i.e. the protection of health and life and of consumers’ interests and the reliability of trade are largely achieved by regulations shaping the obligatory scope of information that must be provided on the label. Additionally, consumer protection is ensured by labelling rules, the basic principle of which is not to mislead consumers. However, under the current legal framework, environmental and animal welfare protection is only covered to a small extent only and only by detailed regulations. Understanding consumers’ expectations regarding environmental and animal welfare information, the author proposes to adopt a framework regulation that would define the rules for the use of environmental claims. Such a regulation would be similar to the regulation of nutrition and health claims.
W artykule podjęto próbę ustalenia, w jaki sposób cele prawa żywnościowego są realizowane przez przyjętą regulację dotyczącą znakowania żywności, oraz zbadania w tym zakresie relacji pomiędzy realizacją poszczególnych celów. Wychodząc od zarysowania poszczególnych celów prawa żywnościowego, przypisano do nich i omówiono uregulowania znakowania żywności o charakterze ogólnym i szczegółowym, nakierowane na realizację poszczególnych celów. Przeprowadzona analiza prowadzi do wniosku, że dwa spośród celów prawa żywnościowego, tj. ochrona zdrowia i życia oraz ochrona interesów konsumentów i rzetelności obrotu, realizowane są w przeważającej mierze przepisami kształtującymi obowiązkowy zakres informacji podawanych na etykiecie. Ponadto ochronie konsumentów służą zasady znakowania, z podstawową zasadą niewprowadzania w błąd. Z kolei ochrona środowiska i dobrostanu zwierząt realizowana jest w aktualnym stanie prawnym w niewielkim zakresie regulacjami o charakterze szczegółowym. Zważywszy na oczekiwania konsumentów dotyczące informacji środowiskowej i informacji dotyczącej ochrony dobrostanu zwierząt, w artykule zaproponowano wprowadzenie regulacji ramowej, określającej zasady stosowania oświadczeń środowiskowych, podobnej do regulacji oświadczeń żywieniowych i zdrowotnych.
The process of globalization in the production and distribution of food, ongoing for many years, causes a number of problems. Agreement on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), negotiated since 2013 by the US and the EU, is one of the instruments to manage of globalization process. The Agreement is aimed at liberalization of trade of goods and services. This article presents the US and the EU regulation on genetically modified food and assessment of the consequences of TTIP Agreement for the regulation of GM food in the EU. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the approach to genetically modified food in the legal regulations of the EU and the US vary significantly. In the US, it was assumed that GM food is not different from conventional food and, consequently, the consumer does not need to be informed on GM food contents. In opposition to the US approach the EU law separately regulates GM food and gives the consumer the ability to make choice of food which differs only by the usage of genetic engineering. Authors conclude, that the signing of TTIP and the full opening of the EU market for food from the US may result in loss of supervision over genetically modified food by EU public authorities as well as the collapse of the EU model of consumer protection based on the precautionary principle.
Postępujący od wielu lat proces globalizacji w produkcji i dystrybucji żywności wywołuje szereg problemów. Instrumentem służącym do zarządzania tym procesem jest w szczególności negocjowana od 2013 r. przez USA i UE umowa o Transatlantyckim Partnerstwie Handlowo-Inwestycyjnym (TTIP). Ma ona na celu wzajemną liberalizację handlu towarami i usługami. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie amerykańskiej i unijnej regulacji dotyczącej żywności genetycznie zmodyfikowanej oraz ocena konsekwencji zawarcia porozumienia TTIP dla regulacji żywności GMO w UE. Analiza prowadzi do wniosku, że podejście do żywności genetycznie modyfikowanej w regulacji prawnej UE i USA jest zupełnie odmienne. W USA przyjęto założenie, iż żywność GMO nie różni się od żywności konwencjonalnej, a w konsekwencji konsument nie musi być informowany o żywności GMO. W przeciwieństwie do regulacji amerykańskiej prawo UE odrębnie reguluje żywność genetycznie zmodyfikowaną i daje konsumentowi możliwość dokonywania samodzielnego wyboru żywności różniącej się wyłącznie zastosowaniem inżynierii genetycznej. W konkluzji autorzy stwierdzają, iż zawarcie TTIP i pełne otwarcie rynku UE na żywność z USA może spowodować utratę nadzoru nad żywnością GMO przez władze publiczne w UE i załamanie unijnego modelu ochrony konsumenta opartego na zasadzie ostrożności.
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