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The changes that are taking place in and around school have become a challenge for its functioning. The article focuses on two categories: innovation and entrepreneurship, which are analysed as crucial not only in preparing pupils to enter into adulthood, including their professional life, but also as a precondition for the renewal of school itself. When reviewing both Polish and foreign literature, some arguments are invoked that are meant to justify the position adopted by the author.
Zmiany, jakie nastąpiły w otoczeniu szkoły, stają się dla niej wyzwaniem. W niniejszym opracowaniu zwrócono uwagę na dwie kategorie innowacji i przedsiębiorczości, analizując je jako kluczowe nie tylko w przygotowaniu uczniów do wejścia w dorosłe życie (w tym w życie zawodowe), lecz także jako warunek odnowy szkoły. Dokonując przeglądu literatury (zarówno polskiej, jak i zagranicznej), przywołano argumenty uzasadniające przyjęte przez autorkę stanowisko.
Contemporary pre-school institutions in Germany have ceased to be perceived solely as providers of care. Significant importance has been assigned to education and upbringing as equivalent categories. The change in approach is not only apparent in their organisation and functioning, but also in state policies, which clearly emphasise the importance of early childhood. The aim of the article is to analyse the political-pedagogical debate that has been in progress since 2005, as well as to scrutinise the adopted arguments and their consequences in the form of the ever changing early school education and care in Germany. The analysis of conditions that have contributed to bestowing preschools with such significance, not only in the process of early childhood development, but also in the process of more broadly understood social development, has also been recognised as equally important, as a result of which preschool institutions have gained importance in the area of political investment that is equal to that granted to schools. The analysis of educational reports and formal-legal guidelines on both federal and state levels is meant to illustrate the range of the introduced changes and the specifics of the German reform, which is perceived as an interlinked network and as cooperation for the sake of children and their families.
The article addresses the ambiguity in understanding school culture and its potential research im- plications. The analyses were embedded within two key approaches: normative and descriptive, illustrating selected exemplifications of theoretical positions of school culture in German-speaking countries. Also, the potential for integration of both approaches into a new model of school culture was proposed by La Tefy Schoen and Charles Teddi in 2008, which terminated the separation be- tween descriptive and normative approaches to school culture.
The aim of this article is to recognise the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) model adopted in 2009 in Singapore as a national mode. The explicit use of the term of PLC together with related terms makes it possible to understand an educational policy which is focused on the implementation of concepts developed in a different, foreign context. The orientation adopted in Singapore identifies PLC not only as reinforcing incentives for teachers and their professionalism, but more broadly, as reinforcing the already high-quality education. The arguments and evidence presented in this article are mainly based on literature and research review, as well as on analyses of source documents.
This article isolates the main phases of the research into school effectiveness, at the same time emphasizing the specificityof attitudes, the dominant directions and the conclusions drawn in particular phases. The approach adopted emphasizes key achievements which have influencedthe direction of research and as such define the contemporary understanding of an effective school.
Nowosad Inetta, Społeczno-kulturowe uwarunkowania demokratyzacji edukacji na Tajwanie [Social and cultural preconditions for the process of democratization in Taiwanese education]. Kultura – Społeczeństwo – Edukacja nr 2(14) 2018, Poznań 2018, pp. 137–154, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-0422. DOI 10.14746/kse.2018.14.12. The article focuses on changes introduced in Taiwan’s education since 1949, which reflect the social changes taking place in this country. Special attention is drawn to the origin and the course of two particularly important processes, i.e. democratisation and taiwanisation, which have radically changed the face of education, revealing Taiwan’s ‘balancing’ between the East and the West. While depicting their essence, also complex links with Taiwan’s policies towards China and its orientation onto economic growth were taken into account.
Artykuł zwraca uwagę na historyczne i polityczno-prawne aspekty zmian wprowadzanych w systemie edukacji Singapuru. Reformy edukacyjne w tym kraju doprowadziły do ukształtowania wysoce efektywnego systemu edukacji światowej klasy. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie kluczowych programów polityki edukacyjnej rządu, które przyczyniły się do przejścia kraju z poziomu trzeciego świata na lidera przez pryzmat edukacyjnej zmiany. Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy, deskryptywny i w perspektywie temporalnej zwraca uwagę na główne zmiany w organizacji i funkcjonowaniu systemu edukacji. Wyodrębniono pięć faz polityki edukacyjnej, eksponując specyficzne cechy każdej. Ocena efektywności strategii przyjętej przez Singapur została dokonana w kontekście kultury politycznej Singapuru.
The article draws attention to historical, political and legal aspects of the changes introduced in the Singapore education system. Educational reforms in this country have led to the formation of a highly effective system, i.e. world-class education. The aim of the article is to indicate some key programs of the government’s educational policy that have contributed to the country’s transition from the third world level to a leader of the first-world level. The article is a descriptive overview set in a temporal perspective. As such, it highlights the main changes in the organization and the functioning of the education system. Its five phases have been isolated and their specific features have been described. The effectiveness of the strategy adopted by Singapore has been assessed in the context of its political culture.
The article attempts to analyse the notions of school culture and school climate as well as their definitions, scopes and the applied research approaches. Although such activities have been undertaken and presented both in English and German literature, they have failed to constitute a separate field of analysis in Poland and as such, have been merely addressed on the margins of other problems. In this article, the author points out the positions of researchers who have identified the need to clarify the separate identity of the notions and for this purpose, to adopt appropriate research approaches, often leading, as the author attempts to illustrate, to diverse conclusions.
В статье внимание обращено на изменения, которые с 1949 г. коренным образом изменяют облик образования и демонстрируют «балансирование» Тайваня между Востоком и Западом. Это «балансирование» распространяется на многие уровни: политику Тайваня и отношения к Китаю, ориентацию на экономический рост и прогрессивные процессы демократизации, которые находят отражение в образовательной политике. В статье представлены процессы, которые стимулировали эту политику и имели ключевое значение для развития и успеха Тайваня (не только экономического, но и образовательного). В нем также подчеркиваются два ключевых процесса демократизации и тайванизации, которые были (и остаются) целью, а также то, как происходят изменения. В статье представлена их интенсивность в трех периодах: авторитарном, переходном и во время современных образовательных изменений.
The article sheds light on the modifications that have radically been changing the face of education since 1949 and depict Taiwan’s multi-level „balancing” between the East and the West, i.e. Taiwan’s policy toward China, orientation on economic growth, as well as progressing democratization processes that are reflected in educational policies. The article scrutinizes the processes that have been stimulating educational policies and have been of key importance to Taiwan’s development and success (not only economic, but also educational). Also, two key processes of democratization and Taiwanization, which have constituted the country’s goal, are isolated and analyzed, as well as the manner of educational changes and their intensity in three periods: authoritarian, transitional and contemporary.
The kaleidoscope category adopted in relation to school culture is meant to emphasise the diversity in the identificationof this scientificcategory. I refer to analyses of the definitionsof the term school culture as well as to research perspectives and attempts to specify the notion. As a result, some research areas identifying school culture have been recognised and theoretical and empirical perspectives of the understanding the specificityof school culture have been scrutinised from two separate perspectives. One of them is vertical and includes the history of educational research, in which school culture emerged at the interface of other scientificdisciplines. The other one, horizontal, focuses on the contemporary meaning of research and analyses of school culture in the area of educational studies.
The aim of the article is to identify the determinants of changes in the school development approach and learning processes. Another scientific goal is to show that the introduced political interventions have changed the Singaporean schools. The concepts and solutions, which were adopted in the school system, determine the educational success of this country. I would like to present the reforms and political interventions which contribute to a better understanding of educational policy. The effective implementations of reforms focused on learning processes and on conditions of schools to react quickly to educational changes. The results presented in the article are mainly based on the literature review or research, undertaken by researchers, or analysis of source documents.
Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie uwarunkowań zmiany podejścia w orientacji na rozwój szkoły i procesy uczenia się oraz wprowadzanych interwencji politycznych zmieniających oblicze singapurskich szkół. Przyjmowane w systemie szkolnym koncepcje i rozwiązania stanowią o edukacyjnym sukcesie tego kraju. Analizowane w artykule reformy i interwencje polityczne pozwalają lepiej zrozumieć politykę edukacyjną i skuteczne wdrożenia ukierunkowane na procesy uczenia się jako warunek szybkiego reagowania szkół na zmiany. Wnioski przedstawione w artykule opierają się głównie na przeglądzie literatury przedmiotu, podejmowanych przez badaczy badaniach i analizie dokumentów źródłowych.
The article addresses the ambiguity in understanding school culture and its potential research implications. The analyses were embedded within two key approaches: normative and descriptive, illustrating selected exemplifications of theoretical positions of school culture in German-speaking countries. Also, the potential for integration of both approaches into a new model of school culture was proposed by La Tefy Schoen and Charles Teddi in 2008, which terminated the separation between descriptive and normative approaches to school culture.
The aim of this article is to recognise the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) model adopted in 2009 in Singapore as a national mode. The explicit use of the term of PLC together with related terms makes it possible to understand an educational policy which is focused on the implementation of concepts developed in a different, foreign context. The orientation adopted in Singapore identifies PLC not only as reinforcing incentives for teachers and their professionalism, but more broadly, as reinforcing the already high-quality education. The arguments and evidence presented in this article are mainly based on literature and research review, as well as on analyses of source documents.
Wprowadzenie. Artykuł zwraca uwagę na zmianę podejścia w Niemczech nie tylko do organizacji i funkcjonowania placówek przedszkolnych, lecz także do polityki państwa wyraźnie eksponującej rangę okresu wczesnego dzieciństwa. Cel. Analiza uwarunkowań, które przyczyniły się do nadania przedszkolom istotnego znaczenia w rozwoju nie tylko dziecka, lecz także społeczeństwa oraz do zmiany polityki państwa. Materiały i metody. Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy; opracowany został na podstawie analizy źródeł pierwotnych i wtórnych. Wnioski. Przedszkola jako placówki wczesnej opieki i edukacji zostały wydobyte z cienia, a ich znaczenie zauważone przez polityków. Uznano je za tak samo ważny, jak szkoły, obszar opłacalnych inwestycji politycznych. Zaistniałą w Niemczech zmianę podejścia ukazano na tle szerokiego kontekstu uwarunkowań.
Aim: The purpose of this paper is to review the achievements of comparative pedagogy and educational policies in the field of implementing borrowings. Methods: Methods applicable in the history of education and social sciences were used in the study; the contemporary scientific discourse on borrowings in educational policies was reconstructed. Results: The potential of educational policies which borrow from other countries in order to improve domestic education was assessed; some important contemporary problem areas were indicated and the impact of globalisation was taken into account, i.e the shift from full borrowings toward the adoption of only selected elements, or towards the adoption of the so-called “educational standards” which are promoted by global players. Conclusions: The Philips and Ochs model, already well-established in the practice of borrowings, is in a justified need of reformulation in the light of contemporary changes in educational policies; an approach which will take account of a more comprehensive framework for the course of borrowings in educational policies needs to be developed.
Rocznik Lubuski
vol. 41
issue 2
This article undertakes the issue of teachers preparation to cooperate with parents. It mostly concentrates on the role played by higher education institutions in this important area of functioning of the future tutors. The issue referred to, although it has occupied an important place in Polish pedagogy, still remains undervalued in the process of future teachers education. The analysis of education programmes and the programmes of trainings in state, higher education schools clearly points to the insufficiency of both theory and practice concerning the cooperation between the teachers and the parents, and it further stresses further necessity to improve this important area.
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę przygotowania nauczycieli do współpracy z rodzicami. Koncentruje się przede wszystkim na roli, jaką pełnią uczelnie wyższe w tym ważnym obszarze funkcjonowania przyszłych wychowawców. Poruszane zagadnienie, choć od wielu lat zajmuje ważne miejsce w polskiej pedagogice, nadal nie jest doceniane w procesie edukacji przyszłych nauczycieli. Analiza programów kształcenia i programów praktyk w publicznych szkołach wyższych, wyraźnie wskazuje na niedosyt zarówno teorii, jak i praktyki dotyczącej współpracy nauczycieli z rodzicami, a tym samym akcentuje dalszą potrzebę doskonalenia tego ważnego obszaru.
Starting from the concept of utopia, the article focuses itself on the analysis of teacher education and professional development system that has evolved in Singapore over the last few decades. On the wider background of this particular model’s elements, a description of the institutions responsible for teacher continuing education, established to prepare them to the fundamental task they are meant to perform in the modern knowledge society, has been provided.
Having the right potential as well as the desire to develop yourself, students or school is not possible in the absence of conditions that favor (self) development and development of entities and institutions. It is not just the material conditions that are extremely important; the immaterial space of school is more important, which is formed by the relations between the subjects based on fundamental human values. The subject matter discussed in the article is focused on the importance of the school development category and the entities operating in it. The text discusses selected work of researchers sensitizing to the possibilities and limitations of the development of schools that emphasize the importance of leadership and trust in school everyday life as those that significantly contribute to the improvement of schoolwork and efficiency increase. Teachers’ leadership is understood here as the essence and competence leading to development and trust as a value decisive for the moral space of the school, its culture conducive to learning.
The article attempts to analyze transitions which have occurred in education system in Poland during last years. The authors reveal numerous changes of the system on the basis of various reports, research results, public speeches and legal acts which have been put into practice. These changes are shown from teachers’, pupils’ and parents’ point of view, and are corrected through the prism of social expectations. Moreover, the dilemmas of contemporary teacher are revealed, as well as expectations of the society which participates in constantly transforming reality of global world.
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